- I don't think that's important. At least planes have the best safety records. 我觉得那并不重要。至少飞机的安全飞行纪录还不错。
- That airline company has a good safety record. 那家航空公司保持着很好的安全飞行记录。
- The airline has an excellent safety record. 这家航空公司有极佳的安全记录。
- General Aviation Sets New Safety Record. 通用航空建立新的安全记录。
- The airline has a good safety record. 这家航空公司的安全情况一向很好。
- Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record. 由于她发表了关于公司安全记录的言论,该公司正以诽谤罪起诉她。
- This aircraft's safety record is an impressive testament to its designers' skill. 这种飞机的飞行安全记录令人印象深刻,证明了该机种设计师本领非凡。
- The airline has a bad safety record,ie Its aircrafts often crash. 这家航空公司安全情况历来不好(班机常失事)。
- There is a significant improvement in the company's safety record. 有异议的;重要的;重大的。
- Inactivated influenza vaccine has good safety record. 灭活流感疫苗有相当安全的使用记录。
- The factory's safety record is something it can be proud of. 这家工厂的安全记录是它可引以为自豪的。
- The airline has a bad safety record, ie Its aircraft often crash. 这家航空公司安全情况历来不好(班机常失事).
- Nam Wan Tunnel ? a project proud of its safety record. 南湾隧道项目一直保持骄人的安全纪录。
- Iran has no choicely a notoriously bad as air safety record. 伊朗在飞机航行的安全记录上是臭名昭著的。
- The problem was not the airships' poor safety record. 问题不在于飞艇不尽人意的安全记录,
- Regulating actions are taken against contractors with poor site safety records. 对于地盘安全记录差劣的承建商,当局已采取规管行动。
- ACP contractors with good safety management and safety records received commendations from the Secretary for Works. 凡在安全管理方面表现出色,以及安全纪录良好的机场核心计划承建商,均获得工务局局长的嘉许。
- The golden wings of flight SQ006 and the airline's 28-year perfect safety record have been wrecked by typhoon Xangsane. 新航那金黄色的羽翼,经过28年的安稳翱翔后,还是在台风象神的侵袭下断折了。
- According to the safety records, Qantas is regarded as the best airline company. 从安全记录来看,澳航被视作是最好的航空公司。
- Her company is suing her for slanderbecause of her remarks about their safety record. 由于她发表了关于公司安全记录的言论,该公司正以诽谤罪起诉她。