- safety event in tourism 旅游安全事件
- She related the event in a tragic voice. 她用悲痛的声调讲述这一事件。
- Entrance into college was a great event in my life. 进大学是我一生中的一件大事。
- China is a vast land, rich in tourism resources. 中国地大物博,旅游资源丰富。
- Winning the scholarship was a great event in the boy's life. 赢得这项奖学金是这个男孩一生中的一件大事。
- International master in tourism and leisure. 旅游与游憩硕士学位。
- The growth in tourism is really astonishing. 旅游业的发展实在令人惊异。
- The flower show is a yearly event in our town. 我们镇上的花展一年举行一次。
- We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
- Entrance into college is a great event in my life. 进大学是我一生中的一件大事。
- Many events in our lives go by contraries. 我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的情况。
- Graduation from university is an event in life. 大学毕业是人生中的大事。
- Marriage is an important event in one's life. 婚姻是每一个人的终身大事。
- It is an event in which she reigns supreme. 这个比赛项目她所向无敌。
- An event in this list starts the workflow. 此列表中的事件启动工作流。
- Do your best event in the face of adversity. 即使面对困境,也要竭尽全力。
- Topic: What's your favourite event in Olympics? 自由谈论:你最喜欢的奥运会项目是什么?
- The coast of Zhejiang Province is abounding in tourism resources. 介绍了浙江省海岸带主要旅游资源的分布。
- Yes. Marriage is a big event in life. 对啊。结婚嘛,是人生大事。
- He described the whole event in detail. 他详尽地描述了整个事件。