- Technologies protected by IPR in standards should be given sufficient and reasonable protection to safeguard IPR holder’s interests. 标准中受知识产权保护的技术应被给予充分和合理的保护,以维护知识产权所有人的利益。
- Harrelson’s interest in hemp is understandable. 哈雷尔森的兴趣,大麻是可以理解的。
- Saving money regularly during one's working years will help to safeguard one's old age from want. 人在有工作能力的时候定期储蓄,将有助于老年时免受贫困之苦。
- Hani’s interests extend only to his own little fiefdom. 他只对他那一小块地感兴趣。
- This novel sustains the reader 's interest to the end. 这部小说使读者到最后都依然兴趣浓厚。
- IGN: What would be that thing that would pique someone’s interest? IGN:那么有哪些东西能激起人们的兴趣呢?
- I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. 我并不是说应该对他们不闻不问,但是你所给予的关心应是理性的、慷慨的(如果可能的话),而非过于感情用事。
- A pact between partners in a business or shareholders in a company, obliging one to buy the other‘s interest upon the occurrence of some event stated in the agreement. 公司合作伙伴或股东的内部契约,规定在出现合同中某种情况时,一方须购买另外一方的权益。
- Personally, I find a good play on TV's interesting. 我个人觉得电视上好的剧目很有意思。
- The deputy manager exchanged the company' s interest for his personal honour. 这个代理经理为了个人荣誉而出卖了公司的利益。
- Safeguard one's house against burglars 保卫住宅以防窃贼
- The first report of Henry VIII's interest in Jane Seymour was in February 1536. 最早的,关于亨利对简西摩产生兴趣的史料记录时在1536年的二月。
- She is torn between her fondness for a close friend and her duty to protect her company' s interests. 她因夹在好朋友的友情和保护公司利益的义务之间而痛苦。
- We must safeguard our national interests. 我们必须保卫国家的利益。
- US don't want to offend potential opponents. That would endanger US's interests. 美国不想得罪潜在对手。会危及美国的利益。
- Bitter colleagues accuse the prime minister of putting pride above the LDP's interests. 满腹抱怨的同僚指责麻生把自己的面子看得比党的利益还重。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Aggravation of the criminal offence in conspiracy is menacing people"s interests all over the world. 当今世界,有组织犯罪活动的加剧,严重威胁着全人类的利益。
- Cnooc has also agreed to buy 5% of BG's interests in certain coal-seam gas tenements in Queensland's Surat Basin. 中海油还同意,收购BG在昆士兰州Surat盆地某处煤层气资源5%25的权益。
- It is a protector of customer’s interests and an effective cooperator of insurance companies. 它是客户利益的保护神;它是保险公司的有力合作者;