- Leaf architecture and systematics of the Hamamelidaceae sensu lato. 金缕梅科(广义)的叶结构及分类.
- PAUP analysis was made based on our sequences and some other rbc L sequences of taxa of Cornaceae sensu lato and some families,which Mastixia was ever placed in,from Gene Bank database. 24 most parsimonious trees were obtained. 通过对这些序列与广义山茱萸科Cornaceae和Mastixia曾被归入的科的类群的rbcL序列进行PAUP (PhylogeneticAnalysisUsingParsimony)分析 ,得到 2 4棵最简约的分支树图。
- Studies on pollen morphology of genus Potentilla sensu lato (Rosaceae). 广义委陵菜属花粉形态研究.
- The karyotypes of 3 species of Trimeresurus sensu lato were reported. 报道3种烙铁头蛇的核型。
- Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (B. b. s. l) 伯氏疏螺旋体
- T h e m a n w h o l a u g h s b e s t l a u g h s l a s t . 熟能生巧,关了准星一开始我连马都射不着,后来慢慢就有点准头了。不过现在差不多一个月没怎么玩了,估计又该找不着北了。。。
- Ceratocystis sensu lato are the major fungi, which cause not only wood sapstains, but also plant diseases. 摘要长喙壳属真菌不仅是引起木材变色的主要真菌,而且也是重要的植物病原菌。
- A list of genera, which divided from Trimeresurus (sensu lato), and their species are also presented. 本文对这近一年来的最新进展进行概括和报道。
- Abstract: Ceratocystis sensu lato are the major fungi, which cause not only wood sapstains, but also plant diseases. 摘 要: 长喙壳属真菌不仅是引起木材变色的主要真菌,而且也是重要的植物病原菌。
- T h i s m o v i e i s l o a d e d w i t h t w i s t s a n d t u r n s . 这 部 影 片 情 节 错 综 复 杂 , 充 满 悬 念 。
- In this paper, we present current advances in the systematics of Trimeresurus (sensu lato) since 2004, with emphasis on the changes on nomenclature. 摘要2004年以来,广义竹叶青蛇的系统学研究取得了较大的进展。
- In sensu lato, feicui is a commercial name for jadaeitite with gem quality and commercial value, the general name of gem jadaitite with various colors. 翡翠,从广义讲是指具有商业价值,达到宝石级的硬玉岩的商业名称,是各种颜色宝石级硬玉岩的总称;狭义的翡翠概念是单指那些绿色的宝石级硬玉岩。
- The cladistic result indicated the Tussilagininae sensu lato (including the Tephroseridinae) of the eastern Asia should be established and maintained. 根据分支结果,作者认为应建立包括狗舌草亚族在内的广义东亚款冬亚族。
- Specimens of Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato were collected on fallen trunks of Picea schrenkiana var. tianshanica in nature forests from western Xinjiang of China. 摘要在新疆西部伊宁地区的天山云杉上发现异担子菌,并从4号标本中分离到41个单孢菌株。
- Malek A M, Alper S L, Izumo S. Hemodynamic shear stress and its role in atherosclerosis[J]. JAMA, 1999, 282(21):2035. 周少春;郑振声;王怀阳;等.;体外反搏搏动性血流在动、静脉系统中的传递[J]
- It seems some more words have been added to the censor list: xx is excruciatingly s l o w. 试了几次了,帖子有上面几个字就被删掉,拿掉那几个字就贴成功。
- F ?N E ?L .X .?N O .?N N .?N .Y .?G S ..?Y G .E F L N E S S L .R E N .S ..M .R D N R N .E E ..L N .T Y .R E K Y .N Y . 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- Perlman, R. 1992. I n t e rconnections: Bridges and Routers. Addison-We s l e y, Reading, Mass. 一本包含了许多详细的网络互连方法(桥和路由器)和不同的路由算法的书。
- Ji S L, Si M Z, Miao R C.Quantum size effect of silver nanoparticle[J].Acta Photonica Sinica, 1999,28( 1 ) :93-95. [1]季淑莉;司民真;苗润才.;纳米银粒子的量子尺寸效应[J]
- William S L,James M D.Personality Theory,Moral Development,and Drugpusher Behavior.Canada:D.C. 杨坚.;违法犯罪男性青少年个性特征对照研究[J]