- s been unusually constipated. (便秘很反常。)
- He has been unusually constipated. 便秘很反常。
- It won't have escaped your notice that I've been unusually busy recently. 你一定注意到了我最近一直忙得不得了。
- People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 先知先觉的人们自称在某个领域受过特别启示的人
- This year's session of Congress was unusually long. 国会今年的会期特别长。
- Recently, our Sun has been unusually quiet. 最近,我们的太阳异乎寻常地平静。
- He' s been engaged to decorate the house. 他受雇装饰这所房子.
- Our gas bill for the last quarter was unusually high. 我们上季度的煤气费异常高。
- He' s been in the doldrums ever since she left him. 自从她离开他以来; 他一直很消沉.
- He' s been quite ill. I hope he gets well soon. 他病得很厉害; 但愿他不久能好.
- The weather had been unusually warm for May in Brandon, Miss. 在密西西比州的布兰登,五月的天气异常闷热。
- He’s been scrupulous for not losing his job again. 他一直诚惶诚恐,唯恐再次失业。
- There' s been an awful mix-up over the dates ! 日期问题乱得无以复加!
- Todd was unusually quiet the rest of the way home. 在回家的路上,托德显得异乎寻常地安静。
- She' s been arrested on suspicion of spying. 她因涉嫌间谍活动而被捕。
- But India's benchmark was unusually abstemious. 但是印度的贫困基准点有超乎寻常的节食性质。
- She' s been cleared by security. 她经保安部门批准可做机密工作.
- The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective. 那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。
- She' s been very successful, one way and another. 无论从哪方面看; 她都是很有成就的.
- The bird's lethargy in the morning was unusual. 这只鸟在早上就无生气,很不寻常。