- Social Identity of Urban Migrant Worker Group 对农民工群体社会认同的探讨
- With the progressing of the society and the construction of socialist harmonious society,more and more people are concerned about the social security of urban migrant workers. 随着社会的进步和社会主义和谐社会的建设,城市农民工人社会保障问题正得到越来越多人的关注。
- The urban migrant workers and the laid-off workers are both the social disadvantaged groups, but their culture background are different, so it has comparison between the two groups. 农民工和下岗职工都是城市社会的弱势群体,但是他们的文化背景不同,他们的消费行为应当具有可比性。
- the children of urban migrant workers 城市农民工子女
- Urban migrant worker 农民工
- The Evaluation and Selection of Urban Migrant Workers'Social Security System 城市农民工人社会保障制度的模式评价及选择
- A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work. 一个外来工在各个城镇四处奔走,寻找工作。
- "Amphibious migratory" type of migrant workers living at the bottom of town, a walk in the duplicate of the confused status between urban and rural areas. “两栖候鸟”式的农民工,生活在城市的底层,重复着游走于城乡之间的迷茫状态。
- Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work. 流动工人为了寻找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。
- Migrant worker's Health Related Quality of Life is evaluated by NHP. NHP量表评价农民工人群的健康相关生命质量。
- Migrant worker as a social class hold rights titled by laws with sacrosanctity. “农民工”作为一个阶层依法享有法律赋予的各项权益,这些权益神圣不可侵犯。
- Old Zhao, in his 50’s, is a poor migrant worker slaving away in Shenzhen. 老赵与老刘同为远赴深圳的打工仔,老刘因意外死在工地,老赵决定护送好友回故乡安葬。
- The focus of efforts will be on extending coverage to more rural migrant workers in cities, employees in the nonpublic sector of the economy and urban residents without fixed employment. 重点扩大农民工、非公有制经济组织从业人员、城镇灵活就业人员参加社会保险。
- Encamp migrant workers near the fields. 使流动的工人在田野附近扎营
- The rural migrant worker from endemic area 疫区外流人员
- The migrant workers squatted on the unused farm. 流动工人们擅自占用了未曾使用过的农
- Ought to find a new rural development mode, namely "rural urbanization". 应当寻找一个新的农村发展模式,即“农村城市化”。
- These migrant workers are constantly moving. 这些流动工作到处移动。
- I saw these flyers for migrant workers in Colombia. 我看到哥伦比亚招移民工人的小广告。
- In addition, urban migrants add to the supply of labor. 此外,城市移民还增加了劳动的供应。