- rural social opinion 农村社会观念
- To create troubles in public places should be condemned by social opinion. 在公共场所里无理取闹应该受到社会舆论的谴责。
- Support the establishment of rural social security system. 支持建立农村社会保障制度。
- At the end of Qing Dynasty,the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system. 清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。
- Necessity and Solutions of Construction Rural Social Endowment Insurance System. 建立农村社会养老保险的必要性及对策。
- Relevent measures and system of Chinese rural social security have developed from ancientry to modem times. 摘要中国农村社会保障的相关措施与制度,从古代到现代是不断发展的。
- Constructing a public security system is necessary for adapting to rural social and economic development and bridging the urban-rural gap. 摘要构建农村公共保障体系,是适应农村社会经济发展,缩小城乡差距的必然要求。
- Regard scientific development view as guidelines,analyse in depth our country's rural social accident formation mechanism. 并以科学发展观为指导,深入分析了我国农村社会突发事件的形成机理。
- Chapter six analyzing thecontents of rural social insurance system in China,and advances some countermeasures to establishing rural social insu rance system . 第六部分:阐述了笔者对我国农村社会保障制度的思考和主要对策。
- The amount of township debts hinders our country's rural economy from modernization,which is a special phenomenon during the period of rural social and economic transition. 乡镇债务问题是我国农村社会转型、经济转轨时期的特殊现象,巨额的乡镇债务的存在阻碍了农村现代化的进程。
- Constructing rural social security system of Guangxi Province is a major issue which contributes to harmonious,stable and continuate development of Guangxi society. 广西农村社会保障体系建设,是关系到广西社会和谐、稳定、可持续发展的重要问题。
- It is obvious that peasants' participation by force not only influences rural social stability, but also brings inestimable damages for peasants themselves. 摘要农民暴力式参与不仅影响了农村社会的稳定,也给农民自身带来了不可估量的损失。
- Article 17 Township enterprises shall drw a certain proportion of their after-tax profits to support agriculture and to spend on rural social undertakings. 第三十九条 乡镇企业有权向审计、监察、财政、物价和乡镇企业行政管理部门控告、检举向企业非法收费、摊派或者罚款的单位和个人。
- The medical industry of rural hygiene belongs to a part of the social infrastructure of creating common terms for rural social production and people s lives. 农村卫生医疗事业属于为农村社会生产和人民生活创造共同条件的社会性基础结构的一部分。
- Can say to build system of rural social security, bizygomatic breadth amount is large, perspective is wide, having completely actual society foundation and necessity. 可以说建立农村社会保障制度,面宽量大,前景广阔,有着完全现实的社会基础和必要性。
- Actively explore to establish a new type of rural social endowment insurance system for landless peasants, migrant workers, social security work steadily. 积极探索建立新型农村社会养老保险制度,农民工、被征地农民社会保障工作稳步推进。
- The fourth part discusses the necessity and feasibility of the transition from the“selective”hortation and assit system to the“prevalent”rural social pension system. 第四部分分析了由“选择性”的计划生育家庭社会养老保险制度向“普惠性”的农村社会养老保险制度过渡的必要性和可行性。
- Government"s debt of huge villages and towns, can be compared to a potential powder keg, become the hidden danger of influencing the rural social stability. 巨额乡镇政府债务,好比一个潜在的火药桶,成为影响农村社会稳定的隐患。
- In the establishment of the rural social security system , exist the question of a country"s economic strength , concept and the policy-makers involved in all aspects . 在建立农民社会保障制度的问题上,有国家经济实力的问题,有观念方面的问题,也有政策制定方面的问题,涉及方方面面。
- Today, with full-blown market economy reforms, the non-neutrality of government public policy has become the key factor affecting rural social security. 而在市场经济改革全面开展的今天,政府公共政策的非中性却成为影响农村社会保障的关键因素。