- Try to expound issues existing in community development where land required and rural residence registration changed to city or town residence registration and countermeasures 论征地农转非社区建设面临的问题与对策
- rural residence registration 农村户籍
- Where will the Residence Registration System Go? 户籍制度改革将走向何处?
- In rural areas, the host or lodger shall report to the local police station or residence registration office within 72 hours of the lodger’s arrival. 在农村的,须于七十二小时内向当地派出所或者户籍办公室申报,填写临时住宿登记表。
- After a prisoner is released, the public security organ shall make residence registration for him on the strength of his certificate of release. 第三十六条罪犯释放后,公安机关凭释放证明书办理户籍登记。
- The police officer responsible for residence registration administration said he would come to his home to check their registered permanent residence. 户籍警说要来他家检查户籍。
- According to the provisions of law, rural residence land usufruct is forbidden to transfer in China. 摘要农村宅基地是否可以自由流转,关乎农民的切身利益。我国相关法律禁止农村宅基地流转。
- Your residence registration booklet, your license for using the building, and a security deposit in the amount of $10,000 to guarantee that you will pay for the power supplied. 户口簿,你的建筑物使用证明和一万元的押金,以保证你会付电费。
- Living standards of urban and rural residents continued to improve. 城乡人民生活继续改善。
- There is still big margin between the rural residence construction in northern Anhui Province and the demand of socialist new countryside construction. 目前,皖北地区农村住宅与建设社会主义新农村的要求还有较大差距。
- The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily. 城乡居民收入稳步增长。
- The income of both urban and rural residents is growing. 城乡居民收入水平不断提高。
- This text elaborates the metrical aesthetics in the space of Chinese traditional building, and compares the rural residence with the traditional building. 阐述了我国传统建筑空间中的韵律美,并把农村住宅与之进行了类比,试图把传统空间中的韵律美运用到农村住宅中,从而改善农村居住环境。
- Study on Income Difference of Rural Residents of China II. 中国农村居民收入差距研究2。
- Study on income difference of rural residents of China. 收入差距研究。
- The marriage persons shall apply to the marriage registration office of the original transaction for renewing to receive the certificates, either in the location of residence registration of the party. 婚姻当事人应向原办理该婚姻登记的机关或一方常住户口所在地的婚姻登记机关申请补领。
- Article 7A person applying for blue stamped residence registration mustsubmit a notarial certificate evidencing that the applicant has norecord of re-education through labour or criminal sanction. 第七条凡申请蓝印户口的,须提供未曾被劳动教养或未被追究刑事责任的公证书。
- Resident income: Income level of urban and rural residents increased rapidly. 居民收入: 城乡居民收入水平较快增长。
- The income of both urban and rural residents is continuously growing. 城乡居民收入水平不断提高。
- We should, by taking engineering and biologic measures, level land, merge dispersed land plots, build terraces, rectify the water surface for aquiculture, and neaten the land for rural residence. 依据土地利用总体规划和土地开发整理规划,对农村地区田、水、路、林、村进行综合整治;