- How is family policy related to the state in capitalist societies? 在资本主义社会,家庭政策是怎样和国家发生联系的?
- International experience of rural policy finance 农业政策性金融国际经验借鉴
- You must repay each advance and related Finance Charge within 35 days through an incoming Direct Deposit. 您必须在35天内用接收到的直接存款偿还预支款项和相关手续费。
- Familiarly with tax law and finance policy related 熟悉税法及相关财政法规
- When they say our rural policy has deviated to the "Left", they mean that the income of the peasants is meagre, less than that of the workers. 所谓农村政策“左”了,就是说农民收入不多,比工人少。
- The present rural policy of the Party is not one of Agrarian Revolution as during the ten years' civil war, but is a rural policy for the National United Front Against Japan. 现在党的农村政策,不是十年内战时期那样的土地革命政策,而是抗日民族统一战线的政策。
- The economic analysis on the rural policy finance in China 中国农村政策性金融的经济学分析
- To supervise the employees in the department to abide by the national regulation and policy related to environment, health and safety self-consciously. 督促本部门员工自觉遵守国家与环境,健康及安全有关的法规政策。
- On the Relationship between Rural Policy Finance and Fiscal Support 农村政策性金融与财政支农关系
- To supervise the employees in the team to abide by the national regulation and policy related to environment, health and safety self-consciously. 督促本组员工自觉遵守国家与环境,健康及安全有关的法规政策。
- Rational Thoughts on the Reform of Rural Policy Finance 对农村政策金融改革的理性思考
- The Ministry of Finance and the SAT issued a Notice on 20 February 2006 to clarify various tax policies related to the securitization of credit assets of financial institutions (Caishui [2006] 5). 财政部、国家税务总局于2006年2月20日发布通知(财税[2006]5号),明确关于信贷资产证券化有关税收政策问题。
- Discussions in this paper could be considered for future improvement of Chinese regulatory policy related to hepatotoxicity. 通过简析这些文件,以期为我国药物肝毒性的监测和管理提供重要的借鉴作用。
- Secondly, I should like to discuss the policy relating to the financial burden. 其次,说到我们的负担政策。
- The rural financial system should be further improved,including the establishment of a rural policy bank,commercial bank and cooperative financial organization. The rural policy funds should be guaranteed to be mainly used for grain production. 进一步完善农村金融体制,建立包括农村政策性银行、商业性银行和农村合作金融组织在内的农村金融体系,保证农村政策性金融资金重点用于粮食生产。
- Beijing often adjusts policy related to its politically sensitive property market, and analysts are debating whether new measures might be in the offing. 中国政府经常对在政治上相当敏感的房地产相关政策进行调整,分析人士目前正在争论政府是否即将出台新措施。
- If the rural policies were changed,their living standards would immediately decline. 农村政策一变,他们的生活水平马上就会降低。
- Secondly,I should like to discuss the policy relating to the financial burden. 其次,说到关于财政负担的政策。
- Will Relational Financing relax the financing problem? 关系融资:能否缓解融资难?
- If the rural policies were changed, their living standards would immediately decline. 农村政策一变,他们的生活水平马上就会降低。