- Nov the rural financing service is lag,which partly due to the research of the characteristics of rural financing de-mand is lack. 当前农村金融组织金融服务滞后,很大程度上是由于对农村金融需求发展的特点研究不够。
- Fifth, improves and consummates the rural finance service mode. 五是改进和完善农村金融服务方式。
- rural financing and investing system 农村投融资体制
- Because the reform about interest rate float have nave solved rural finance questions. 因此 ,利率浮动改革还不能从根本上解决当前农村金融不能满足“三农”发展需要的问题。
- Rural finance is the important guarantee of the construction of socialism new countryside. 农村金融体系是社会主义新农村建设的重要体制保障。
- Small the rural finance orgnaization such as bank of loan, bourg is acting such part. 小额贷款、村镇银行等农村金融机构便扮演着这样的角色。
- The standard development many kinds of form's new rural finance organizations and serve in the countryside topicality primarily the small bank. 规范发展多种形式的新型农村金融机构和以服务农村为主的地区性中小银行。
- On the other hand, further consummates the rural finance services structure, the cultivation moderate competition, the multiplex rural finance market. 另一方面,进一步完善农村金融服务体系,培育适度竞争、多元化的农村金融市场。
- Fifth, improves and consummates the rural finance service mode, enhances fords the agriculture financial service quality and the service efficiency. 五是改进和完善农村金融服务方式,提高涉农金融服务质量和服务效率。
- Farmers'Mutual Financing Help to Solve Rural Financing Puzzle 资金互助解决农村融资难题
- To facilitate cooperation on rural finance projects between the members and donors, including assistance in preparing project proposals and implementing projects. 在成员与捐助者之间安排关于农村金融项目的合作,包括项目建议书的筹备和项目执行。
- She indicated that lets loose the rural market finance admittance is explicitly this conference about a construction modern rural finance system's big luminescent spot. 她表示,明确放开农村市场金融准入是此次会议关于建设现代农村金融制度的一大亮点。
- The rural finance account executive scope's distinctive quality, the service space's extensity, decided that its operational risk is complex, the management difficulty is big. 农村金融业务经营范围的独特性、服务空间的广阔性,决定其经营风险复杂、管理难度大。
- We are financing for the housing project. 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。
- Moreover may anticipate that including policies and so on reserve fund, interest rate will make the appropriate readjustment, enlarges to the rural finance support dynamics. 而且可以预期包括准备金、利率等政策将进行适当调整,加大对农村金融的支持力度。
- The relative past high threshold, might anticipate, may be able to see in the future in the time, the rural finance organization admittance threshold will further also reduce. 相对过去较高的门槛,可以预期,在未来可以看得见的时间里,农村金融机构准入门槛还将进一步降低。
- Zhang Chenghui indicated that may anticipate, the government in aspects and so on fiscal levy subsidy, even more will incline to the rural finance organization. 张承惠表示,可以预期,政府将在财政税收补贴等方面,会对农村金融机构更加倾斜。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- The American loan crisis initiation's global finance Tsunami and Communist Party of China's 17 Third Session, coursed many person of vision China's rural finance. 美国次贷危机引发的全球金融海啸和中国共产党的十七届三中全会,把许多人的目光引向了中国的农村金融。
- The abolition of the agricultural tax relieves the peasants of their burden, and it also reduces the rural finance, weakening the viability of the rural finance. 摘要取消农业税政策在减轻农民负担的同时,也使乡镇财政收入锐减,乡镇财政的自生能力不断弱化。