- Policy Guidance: the Route for the Allocation of Rural Financial Resources 政策导向:农村金融资源配置的路径选择
- rural financial resources 农村金融资源
- The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources. 偿还抵押借款是我们财务上的一大负担.
- The existing of rural financial repression made the function of financial allocation resources difficult to exert. 农村金融抑制的存在,致使金融配置资源的功能很难发挥。
- Having ample financial resources;well - off. 富裕的,手头宽裕的有充足经济来源的
- Financial resources are dispersed. 财力分散。
- Having ample financial resources; well-off. 富裕的,手头宽裕的有充足经济来源的
- Financial resources were exhausted. 财源枯竭。
- Rural financial States government has long been considered to be a hard row to hoe, despite the government invested a lot of resources, results have been unsatisfactory. 农村金融长期以来被各国政府认为是一难啃的硬骨头,尽管政府投入了大量的资源,成效一直不理想。
- Since the company's financial resources are depleted and the banks refuse to lend us any more money, we've come to the end of our tether. 公司的资金已消耗贻尽,各家银行又拒绝再向我们贷款,所以我们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。
- They put the case for more financial resources very convincingly. 他们为筹集更多的资金而提出的论点非常有说服力。
- rural financial resource waning 农村金融资源流失
- We must collect financial resources for the upcoming market shake. 我们必须聚集财富以应对即将到来的市场动荡。
- Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service. 农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。
- The successful reform of rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) is the key to establishing the rural financial system that is suit for market economy. 作为农村金融体系中的主力军,农村信用社改革的成功是构建符合市场经济发展要求农村金融体系的关键。
- Our school has been reprieved from insufficient financial resources. 我们学校财力不足的困境现已暂时得到缓解。
- Abstract:Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs)gain a quasi monopolistic positionin formal rural financial market. 摘要:农村信用社在农村正式金融市场获得了准垄断地位。
- The authors conclude thata rural financial pluralization will be the best way to attain such a goal. 结论是农村金融多元化是满足农村金融服务需求的最优途经。
- Financial repression is the major problem puzzling the fluidity of rural financial market. 摘要金融抑制一直是困扰农村金融市场流动性的主要问题。
- We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources. 我们必须最有效地利用现有财力。