- rural financial management 农村财务管理
- Financial Management and Tax Planning? 四、财务管理及税务策划?
- On Strengthening Financial Management of Group Co. 论加强集团公司的财务管理。
- The Study On Risk-Based Financial Management II. 风险基础财务管理研究2。
- May we talk about financial management now? 我们现在可以谈一谈有关财务管理方面的事情吗?
- I realize the importance of financial management. 我已意识到财务管理的重要性。
- With the deepening of the reform of the rural financial system, the management system of rural credit cooperatives and the operating environments has changed a lot. 摘要随着农村金融体制改革的深化,农村信用社的管理体制与经营环境发生了深刻的变化。
- Well handling village financial management plays an active role in stabilizing rural areas and promoting development of all parts of rural facilities. 搞好村级财务管理,对稳定农村及促进农村各项事业的发展将起着积极的作用。
- Rural some villages are heavily in debt, return some villages to take usurious, farmer burden decreases no less than going to all the time, its origin is on financial management. 农村有些村负债累累,还有的村拿高利贷,农民负担一直减不下去,其根子就在财务治理上。
- Creating Value Through World Class Financial Management. 世界级财务管理创造价值。
- Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service. 农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。
- Use financial management tools well, and introduce modern concepts. 善用理财工具,引入现代信念。
- In running a company, strict financial management means everything. 经营一家公司,严格的财务管理至关重要。
- The successful reform of rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) is the key to establishing the rural financial system that is suit for market economy. 作为农村金融体系中的主力军,农村信用社改革的成功是构建符合市场经济发展要求农村金融体系的关键。
- Financial management is key in any company or enterprise. 在任何公司和企业单位中财务管理是关键。
- Abstract:Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs)gain a quasi monopolistic positionin formal rural financial market. 摘要:农村信用社在农村正式金融市场获得了准垄断地位。
- S. degree in financial management from Clemson University. S.;在财务管理的程度由克莱姆森大学。
- The authors conclude thata rural financial pluralization will be the best way to attain such a goal. 结论是农村金融多元化是满足农村金融服务需求的最优途经。
- This international firm has a sound system of financial management. 这个国际公司的财务管理系统非常完备。
- The existing of rural financial repression made the function of financial allocation resources difficult to exert. 农村金融抑制的存在,致使金融配置资源的功能很难发挥。