- rural economy in arid area 旱区农村经济
- The rural water-supply project in eastern Guyuan is one of key projects in arid area in the middle part of Ningxia as well as one of typical projects of Ningxia. 摘要固原东部农村饮水安全供水工程是宁夏中部干旱带农村饮水安全重点工程之一,也是典型工程之一。
- How can people make a living in this arid area? 这片不毛之地上的人们怎么谋生呢?
- With the increasing bankruptcy of the rural economy in recent years,the basis for men's domination over women has already been weakened. 至近年,农村经济益发破产,男子控制女子的基本条件,业已破坏了。
- With the steady development of the rural economy in recent years,the farmers'demand for both consuming and capital goods has increased. 近年来,随着农业生产的稳步发展,广大农民消费需求和生产资料的需求都在扩大。
- The effect of soil-water environment under blackish water irrigation in arid area is predicted by using the visual MODFLOW model combining with SWAP model. 摘要本文运用MODFLOW及SWAP模型对微咸水灌溉的水-土环境效应进行了预测。
- With the steady development of the rural economy in recent years, the farmers' demand for both consuming and capital goods has increased. 近年来,随着农业生产的稳步发展,广大农民消费需求和生产资料的需求都在扩大。
- Abstract: In the paper, by integrative using GIS and Geostatistics, we analyzed the special distribution characteristic of groundwater downrange in arid area. 文章摘要: 基于GIS和地理统计学的理论、方法对所取观测井地下水位降幅数据进行空间分布特征分析。
- Stabilizing and strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy and developing rural economy in an all-round way. 稳定和加强农业基础地位,全面发展农村经济。
- Making a field comparative test on forestation livin g rate of locust in arid area by using plastic film, Genbao, root-growing dust, wa ter-keeping agent. 采用农膜、根宝、生根粉、保水剂在干旱地区对刺槐造林成活率进行了田间对比试验。
- According to natural resource character in arid area of south Ningxia Hui Autono mous Region, the present condition of animal husband ry development is analyzed. 依据宁南旱区的自然资源特点,通过对宁南旱区畜牧业现状的深入分析,提出了在西部开发中宁南旱区畜牧业发展战略:退耕还草,改善生态环境;
- Abstract: In recent years, the agricultural mechanization undertaking has developed rapidly, which gives important play to developing the agricultural and rural economy in Dezhou. 文章摘要: 近年来,农机化事业的快速发展,为德州市农业和农村经济的发展发挥了重要作用。
- Eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日
- In order to strengthen the rural economy in underdeveloped areas and increase the income of farmers,we should take a series of feasible measures to promote the development of rural vocational education in underdeveloped areas. 为增强欠发达地区农村经济实力,增加农民收入,我们应采取一系列切实可行的措施,促进该地区农村职业教育的发展。
- This paper, according to investigation data of rural economy in Wuxi and Baoding, shows that one of the outstanding characteristics is that land should be operated in China in a small scale. 本文以无锡、保定农村经济调查资料为例,说明农业土地经营小型化是中国近代以来农业发展的一个突出特点。人民公社对土地曾实行了大规模经营,由于诸多弊端,导致了农业生产的低效率。
- As the atmosphere has warmed over the past century, droughts in arid areas have persisted longer, and massive bursts of precipitation have become more common. 因为大气在上个世纪已经开始变暖,所以干旱地区的旱灾也持续得更长久,集中的降雨量也更加常见。
- Fan-shaped lands are the main places of formation and evolution of oases in arid areas. 摘要扇形地是干旱区绿洲形成与演变的主要地方。
- Their ability to survive in arid areas unsuitable for farming became a premier benefit of these new breeds. 牛在不适于耕作的贫瘠土地上的生存能力是这个物种首要的优点。
- Cutting or digging shrubs,medicinal herbs or other sand-fixation plants on desert or semi-desert grasslands or in arid areas shall be prohibited. 禁止在荒漠草原、半荒漠草原和沙化地区砍挖灌木、药材及其他固沙植物。
- The collective economy in urban and rural areas made new headway. 城乡集体经济得到新的发展。