- Rural Energy and Power Development and Restructuring of the Rural Power Management System 我国农村能源和电力发展及农电管理体制改革
- Notable achievements were made in infrastructure development, and a number of key projects were completed -- highways, railways, projects to reinforce the main dikes along major rivers, water control projects, and projects to upgrade rural power grids. 基础设施建设取得显著成绩,完成了一批公路、铁路、江河干堤、水利枢纽和农村电网改造等重点项目。
- Site provides a history of POWER development architecture. 站点给出了POWER发展体系结构的历史。
- Notable achievements were made in infrastructure development,and a number of key projects were completed -- highways,railways,projects to reinforce the main dikes along major rivers,water control projects,and projects to upgrade rural power grids. 基础设施建设取得显著成绩,完成了一批公路、铁路、江河干堤、水利枢纽和农村电网改造等重点项目。
- Shiliquan Power Plant of Shandong International Power Development Stock Co. 山东十里泉发电厂。
- Performance Acceptance Test for Unit No.2 of Bainian Power Development Co. 百年电力公司2号机组性能考核试验
- The financial burden on farmers was reduced due to the upgrading of rural power grids and the readjustment of prices for electricity consumed in the countryside. 通过加快农村电网改造和整顿电价,降低农村用电价格,减轻了农民负担。
- New wire materials of bundle insulation conductors with multi-cores were designed for the demand of rural power network reconstruction. 绝缘导线束是将多股相互绝缘的导线平行连接在一起的一种新型导线结构。
- It shows the paths of rural power through characteristic incidents in the different periods, such as land-reform, collectivized times and the present age. 通过对解放前、土改、互助合作、文革及村民自治等不同历史时期典型事件的叙述,呈现出了乡村权力运作的实践轨迹。
- By reducing the investment risk, tax incentives stimulate the early stages of wing power development. 由于减少了投资风险,税收优惠促进了早期阶段的风力开发。
- NON LINEAR VOLTAGE DEPENDENT DISC HARGE RESISTORS By Power Development Co. Ltd[S]. 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所.;二滩水力发电厂励磁系统咨询报告[R]
- The capacity of reprocessing does not fulfill the needs of nuclear power development at present and in the near future. 后处理能力在目前和不久将来不能满足核能的发展需要,它在燃料循环中占有重要的地位。
- By 2001,the total power output of farm machinery came to 8,808,500 kw,the net quantity of chemical fertilizers used for farming was 832,900 tons,and rural power consumption totaled 2.545 billion kwh. 到2001年,农业机械总动力880.;85万千瓦,农用化肥施用量(折纯)83
- The Enlightenment for the Electricity Marketing in Inner Mongolia with the Experience of the Electric Power Development in United Kingdom and France. 英法电力发展经验对我区开展电力营销工作的启发。
- Key rural power grid renovation projects and some priority industrial projects, which involve large loans, will be directly funded by special loans of the head office of the Bank of Agriculture and the head offices of other commercial banks. 农村电网改造贷款和优势产业贷款中金额较大的重点项目,由农业银行总行专项安排和各商业银行总行直贷解决。
- Transit Villa large state-owned enterprises -- Central China Power Development Corporation in Magnolia invest in the construction of the lake. 中天山庄是国有大型企业--华中电力开发公司在木兰湖投资兴建的。
- Article 47 The State adopts preferential policies for rural electrification, and provides special support to rural power construction in minority nationality areas, frontier and remote areas, and poverty-stricken areas. 第四十七条国家对农村电气化实行优惠政策,对少数民族地区、边远地区和贫困地区的农村电力建设给予重点扶持。
- CDM and demand of energy development in China provide an opportunity for clean energy development including small hydro power development. CDM和中国能源发展需求为中国包括小水电在内的清洁能源建设带来了机遇。