- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- Rupture of the parasite may result in anaphylaxis. 寄生虫的碎裂可能导致过敏反应。
- He died of a rupture of blood-vessels. 他血管破裂而死。
- Ronaldo rotuleo tendon rupture of the left knee. 罗纳尔多左膝肌腱断裂。
- The inside was lined with another layer of felt. 里面还铺了一层毡子。
- The play shows great intensity of feeling. 这出戏表现了强烈的感情。
- The spores are liberated by rupture of the sporangium wall. 当孢子囊壁破裂时可以将其内的孢子释放出来。
- The poem shows great intensity of feeling. 这首诗表达了强烈的感情。
- A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief. 一名好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。
- We are scarce of felt after the earthquake. 震后,我们急需毡制品。
- The blockage or rupture of the artery can cause stroke. 血管阻塞或破裂都可引致中风。
- I had a sort of feeling he wouldn't come. 我隐约觉得他不会来。
- Rupture of the hymen,typically in sexual intercourse. 处女失身处女膜的破裂,尤指在性交中
- Think of me when you see the sun of feel the wind! 当你看见阳光,感觉到风的时候,想想我吧!
- Rupture of the lymphatics causes protein loss into the intestines. 淋巴管破裂引起蛋白流失进入小肠。
- The condition of feeling sad or despondent. 忧愁,沮丧感到伤心,失望的样子
- Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. 热情感情剧烈的燃烧; 热情
- rupture of felt 油毡断裂
- Rupture of the hymen, typically in sexual intercourse. 处女失身处女膜的破裂,尤指在性交中
- An implement, such as a piece of rubber or a pad of felt, used for erasing. 橡皮,擦子一种用来擦掉、抹去(字迹)的工具,如一块橡皮,一块毛毡