- At first I had a running nose and I sneezed a lot. 开始我老流鼻涕,还老打喷嚏。
- I have a running nose with sticky yellow mucus. 我流出黏黏的黄色鼻水。
- I have watery eyes and a running nose. 我的眼睛流泪,鼻子流鼻涕。
- I have watery eyes and running nose. 流眼泪流鼻涕。
- I have headach and running nose. 我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。
- I think I have a fever today, and I have a running nose. 今天有点发烧还流鼻涕。
- I suffered from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge. 我的鼻子流出大量水样鼻涕。
- Three days ago, he began to cough, sneeze and have a running nose. 他3天前开始咳嗽,打喷嚏,并且流鼻涕。
- Parent: My child is coughing, sneezing and has a running nose. 我这孩子咳嗽,打喷嚏,流鼻涕。
- It seems to be improving. I can smell properly now, but sometimes I still have a running nose. 好像有点进步。我现在能闻着味了,但有时还流鼻涕。
- Patient: Every morning I suffer from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge. 每天早晨我总要流大量清鼻涕。
- Yes, my boyfriend has been having a running nose with clear nasal mucus and a lot of phlegm. 对,我爱人这两天总是流清鼻涕,而且他感觉痰挺多。
- Because I have the feeling now. It's really ailing with cough, running nose and soar throat. 因为现在的我就是这种感觉...唉..难过不舒服咳嗽流鼻水喉咙痛..
- You're coughing, sneezing, having a running nose and suffering from a fever. You must feel terrible. 你在咳嗽、打喷嚏、流鼻涕而且发烧,你一定觉得很难受。
- Usually my eyes get teary and I have a badly running nose when I drive outside or go to a picnic in the suburbs. 平时我总泪汪汪的,当我一开车出门或在郊外夜餐时,我的鼻涕就淌得厉害。
- I would like to have some medicine for my running nose and sneezing. They have been occurring since two days ago when I was gardening. 我想要些治流鼻涕和打喷嚏的药。自从两天前我整理花园时,这些症状就开始了。
- Nasal congestion, sneezing and running nose, distending pain over forehead, decrease sharpness of smell and talking with nasal sound. 鼻塞不通、鼻流浊涕、前额胀痛、嗅觉减退及讲话带有鼻音。
- Less common symptoms were insomnia, chest tightness, urgency of urination, cough, running nose, palpitation, and shock. 45% patients were noted with hair loss. 出血处主要有七:皮下、牙龈、子宫、鼻腔、胃肠道、眼底和泌尿道。
- I have a bad headache and my nose run a lot. 我头痛得很厉害,而且我的鼻涕很多。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。