- run someone through the guts 折磨某人
- The gut will pass through the defect into the chest. 肠管可经过缺损进入胸腔。
- In this way, a king can pass through the guts of a beggar. 于是一个国王就可能在一个乞丐的内脏里进行一番巡游。
- If you are so good to her without ever wanting to marry her, that will amount to running her through the guts. 如果你对她这么好又不打算和她结婚,这不等于折磨她么。
- I had to run through the book in an hour. 我得在一小时内把这本书看完。
- Let's run through the first scene. 我们来把第一幕预演一遍。
- Instead they pass through the gut into the feces, which is why this can cause looser stools. 未被分解吸收的则通过肠道成为粪便,这就是为什么会出现稀便的原因。
- We get instant messages from deep in the gut that resonate through the mind, trying to dictate our behaviour. 在脑海深处回荡的瞬间信息试图指引着我们的行为。
- Let's run through the first scene again. 我们把第一场再排练一遍。
- Absorption is the movement of digested, soluble and simple molecules from the gut through the wall into the body. 食物的各种消化产物以及水;无机盐和维生素等;通过胃;肠的黏膜上皮细胞而进入血液和淋巴的过程.
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Toni Morrison, and different writers who have real projects and have the guts to realize them, to go through the disappointments, the rejections and come back. 托尼.;莫里森,还有很多作家---他们有真正的计划并有毅力去实现它们,越过失望和回绝又卷土重来。
- Since the drug has a highly polar carboxylate group present, it will not pass through the hydrophobic cell membranes of the cells lining the gut wall. 由于药物有个高极性的羰基官能团,它无法穿过肠内壁疏水的细胞膜。
- They can absorb the dissolved chemicals through moist body wall and also can ingest them by mouth while soil passes through the gut. 蚯蚓既可通过湿润的体壁吸收可溶性化学物质,也可通过吞食泥土来完成吸收。
- Therefore, modulation of bacterial communities on the gut mucosa, through the use of probiotics and prebiotics, may be used to modify the disease state. 因此,可能可以使用益生菌及益生前菌对肠黏膜的细菌体作调节,并藉此对该项及并作控制。
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- The tuck slowly ploughed through the mud. 车在泥泞中吃力地缓慢行驶。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。