- In his hurry, his bike run against a tree. 匆忙中他的自行车撞树上了。
- He ran against a lamp post in the dark. 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。
- In his hurry,his bike run against a tree. 匆忙中他的自行车撞树上了。
- The boat was dashed against a rock. 船 撞到岩礁上。
- He was so absorbed in thought that he ran against a passerby. 他全神贯注地想心事,以至于和一个行人撞了个满怀。
- run against a rock 触礁, 遇难
- He ran against a wall in the darkness. 黑暗中他撞在一堵墙上。
- He laid open his cheek by falling and striking it against a rock. 他跌撞在一岩上划破了面颊。
- Then the bull began to hit his head violently against a rock. 然后公牛开始把自己的脑袋往石头上猛撞。
- In her view, the C.D.P. was “banging an egg against a rock. 在钟阿姨眼里,CDP的所作所为无异于鸡蛋碰石头。
- Qie, want to fight with me, he is no less than hurling an egg against a rock. 切,想和我斗,简直是以卵击石。
- There the eagle knocks its' beak against a rock until it plucks it out. 老鹰首先用它的喙击打岩石,直到完全脱落。
- Quite a few parameters are required to run against a model that is database-backed. 对数据库后台模型运行查询需要相当多的参数。
- He ran against a stump where he was least expecting it. 他在最没有意料到的场合碰了壁。
- The Write File utility runs against a database file. 写文件实用程序针对数据库文件运行。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- This property sets a limit as to the number of concurrent snapshot processes that can be run against a merge publication at one time. 此属性对可以同时对合并发布运行的最大并发快照进程数设置限制。
- I'm going to a rock and roll concert tonight. 我今晚正要去参加摇滚音乐会。
- The ship struck on a rock and sank. 船触礁沉没。
- The czar was enraged. So you do it on purpose!" he cried out, throwing the hawk against a rock and killing him. 国王被激怒了。“你肯定是故意这么做的!”国王喊到。他把鹰一把摔在岩石上,鹰死了。