- Without the mature and perfect administration legislates, ruling by law is hard to be considered as the managing of good method. 没有成熟、完善的行政立法,现行的法治难以称得上是良法之治。
- Choice of the Road of Ruling by Law: Experience or Formation? 法治的道路选择:经验还是建构?
- ruling by law administration 法治行政
- A Historiographic Analysis of the Way of Rule by Law in P.R.C. 新中国法治历程的史学视角分析。
- To reinstate a rule of law: to reestablish rule by law. 恢复或重建法治。
- Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other. 法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。
- The role of law in moral building is, as so as morality role in ruling by law. 既要发挥道德在法治建设中的作用,又要发挥法律在道德建设中的作用。
- Machiavelli justified rule by force rather than by law. 马基雅维里的统治力量的理由,而不是法律。
- This paper focuses on the following three aspects: market economy, pubic administration and administrative rule by law. 因此,本论文拟从市场经济、公共行政和行政法治三个层面对行政审批制度改革展开综合性研究。
- Administrating by law is key to the rule by law, which expresses correctly the relation between administration and law. 摘要依法行政是依法治国的关键,是行政与法关系的准确表达。
- Then the ultima aim of Rule by law is to satisfypeople"s desires and demands. 因而,法治在最终目的上是为了人类的欲望与需求。
- Modern basic constitutional principles of democracy, ruling by law and human rights are reflected in every aspect of administration by law. 现代宪政所包含的民主、法治和人权基本价值原则和理念,体现于依法执政的各个领域。
- Ruling by Law is referred to validity and scientificalness of the Party's ruling. 摘要依法执政事关党执政的合法性、科学性;
- What threatens ruling by law in modern society does not come from citizens, but from power itself and power executors. 现代社会对法治的威胁主要不是来自公民个人,而是权力及权力的运用者。
- The realization of ruling by law in rural areas depends on the effective solution of these problems. 中国农村能否实现法治,在很大程度上依赖于这些问题的有效解决。
- Ruling by law demands that the ruling party do not going off the course of ruling by law. 法治作为依法执政的机制保障,要求执政党的一切活动不偏离法治轨道;
- Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。
- Attempting To Discuss Rule By Law under The Socialism Market Economy Conditions Policy of ruling State by morals. 试论社会主义市场经济中的法治与德治。
- Soft law must be restrained to the spirit of constitutionalism and the principle of ruling by law, and be enacted and enforced procedurally and systematically. 为此,当前首先是要转变法律观念,把软法纳入法学的研究视野。软法必须受制于宪政精神与法治原则,实现软法生成与实施的程序化、规范化和制度化。
- It is necessary to enhance the people's sense of law and concept of rule by law. 增强人们的法律意识和法制观念是很必要的。