- Results:The SEP in the study included cornual pregnancy,interstitial tubal pregnancy,varian pregnancy,cervical pregnancy,abdominal pregnancy and rudimentary horn of uterus pregnancy. 结果:少见部位异位妊娠主要包括子宫角妊娠、输卵管间质部妊娠、卵巢妊娠、子宫颈妊娠、腹腔妊娠、残角子宫妊娠和宫内宫外同时妊娠。
- rudimentary horn of uterus gestation 子宫残角妊娠
- Keywords imperforate hymen;transverse vaginal septum;rudimentary horn of uterus;double uterus and double vagina;endometriosis; 无孔处女膜;阴道横隔;残角子宫;双子宫双阴道;子宫内膜异位症;
- rudimentary horn of uterus 残角子宫
- Cornu temporale ventriculi lateralis horn of uterus, right and left 左、右子宫角:同
- You cannot make a horn of a pig's tail. 朽木不可雕也。
- Horn of a bull, hoof of a horse, smile of a Saxon. 公牛的角,马的蹄子,撒克逊人的微笑[130]。
- I am on the horn of a dilemma when I am offered another job. 人家又给了我一个工作,我不由得进退两难。
- Nature, very oddly, when the horn of plenty is quite empty, always fills it with babies. 说也奇怪,大自然不丰赐五谷时,却往往多降婴儿。
- Analysis of the diagnosis and misdiagnosis for pregnancy in horn of uterus by ultrasound 子宫角部位妊娠的超声诊断及其误诊分析
- Effect Analysis of Adopting Different Ways to Flush Embryo for Horn of Uterus in Boer Goats 对波尔山羊采用不同程序进行子宫角冲胚的效果分析
- Objective To explore the surgical style of fibromyoma of uterus. 目的研究子宫肌瘤病例资料,探讨子宫肌瘤治疗方式的选择。
- Uterus bicornis unicollis with one unconnected rudimentary horn 单角并非交通残角子宫
- We blowing the horn of building green and ecologic Shangrao. 我们吹响了构建绿色生态上饶的号角。
- DNT can be used to control bleeding after removal of uterus. DNT用来控制子宫切除后的出血。
- The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, says the Lord. 摩押的角砍断了、摩押的膀臂折断了,这是耶和华说的。
- The sona horn of Tawang area is echoing around Himalaya. 达旺的唢呐奏响在喜马拉雅。
- Glyph of Horn of Winter - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power. 寒冬号角旳符文能量消耗减少10。
- The horns of some deer begin to shed. 有些鹿开始换角了。
- Joe found himself on the horns of a dilemma. 乔陷入进退两难之境。