- rubidium chromatape 铬酸铷汞
- The rubidium lamps and cells are now obtainable only for replacement. 现在能够得到的铷光源和容器仅作备用。
- The rubidium lamps and cells are now obtainable only for replacement . 现在能够得到的铷光源和容器仅作备用。
- The aging process of the rubidium spect ral lamp was monitored and the law of rubidium consumption was obtained. 通过对铷光谱灯老化过程的长期跟踪监测,得出铷消耗量公式,这样可以在有限的试验数据的基础上预测铷的长期消耗。
- Decontamination factor for cesium is more than 106.Recovery ratio for rubidium is more than 80%. 建立了简便、高效的铷、铯放化分离流程,对铯的去污系数大于106,铷的回收率大于80%25。
- A digital servo system for rubidium frequency standards was designed with microcontroller unit,ADC and DAC. 分析了铷频标内锁频环路相敏检波基本原理和数字伺服的基本方法。
- The maser promises better long term stability and improved accuracy compared to the rubidium clock on board GIOVE-A. 和GIOVE-A卫星携带的铷原子钟相比,这种原子钟具有更好的长期稳定性和精度。
- Purpose :A material for preparation of other rubidium salts, also used for catalysts,special glass andceramics etc. 用途:制取金属铷和其他铷盐的原料,及催化剂、特种玻璃、陶瓷领域。
- Other Alkali Metals include Hydrogen (technically not a metal), Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium. 其它碱金属包括氢(技术上说不是种金属),锂,钠,钾,铷,铯。
- Meanwhile, we take some improvement measure in order to improve the stability about rubidium atomic frequency standard. 同时通过定量分析对电路实现提出了一系列优选方案,从而使铷原子频标的性能得到改善。
- The function of synthesizer: obtain the special frequency for inspiriting rubidium atom transition . 激励铷原子基态跃迁需要特定的微波频率。
- Weiman of JILA in Boulder, Colo., finally coaxed 2,000 rubidium atoms to merge just as Einstein had foreseen. Weiman),才终于诱使2000个铷原子融合,如爱因斯坦所预见的一般。
- A simple and efficient radiochemical separation procedure of rubidium is set up. 采用萃取色谱柱实现了铷、铯的完全分离。
- Helium, cesium, and rubidium were discovered in the mid-19th century by spectroscopy of the sun's spectrum. 19世纪中叶用光谱技术分析太阳光谱而发现了氦、铯和铷。
- The impurity that was produc ed in aging process was analyzed.The results were benefit to the research of rubidium frequency standard. 对老化过程中产生的杂质进行了分析,从而对铷频标研究提供参考依据。
- Then, sodium fluoride, potassium fluoride and (rubidium, cesium) fluoride was separated by concentrating, stepwise precipiting from the solution. 分离后的溶液进行浓缩,分步析出氟化钠、氟化钾和铷铯氟化物。
- Analyses failures of XSR type of Rubidium atomic frequency standard used in our factory,and introduces the situation of particular overhaul in detail. 对我厂的频率标准XSR型铷原子频标发生的故障及具体检修情况作了较详细的分析和介绍。
- The situation of the development, the production and also the performances of the optically pumped rubidium clocks has been clarified. 说明了光抽运铷原子钟的研制与生产情况以及性能指标。
- The short stability of the miniature Rubidium vapor cell frequency standard is measured to be superior to the same pattern products internaitional. 在小型化的条件下,整机短期频率稳定度达到了国际同类产品水平。
- Only the element of bromine and rubidium was found to have strong linear correlation between the two different tissues of liver and muscle. 研究同一元素在鱼肝和肌肉中的相关性;仅发现溴、铷2个元素在鱼肝和鱼肌肉中有较强的线性正相关.