- Compound far infrared ray and rubber materials. 红外线胶质复合式材料。
- So, nonlinear viscoelasticity is important for the characterization of rubber materials. 因此,非线性粘弹性对于橡胶材料的表征是非常重要的。
- The main products have such rubber materials of automobile accessories as trigonometry bringing, oil seals, etc. 主要产品有三角带、油封等汽车配套橡胶用料。
- In addition, the size of the gelatinize content also affects the contrate of boronizing rubber materials. 此外,涂胶度的不小小还会感化质料端背的渗胶境况。
- Nonreversible chemical reaction involving sulfur or other suitable agent wherein cross links are formed between molecular chains in rubber materials. 硫化是采用硫或者其它适当添加剂处理橡胶原料过程中发生的不可逆化学反应。此种反应在橡胶的分子链间形成横向连接,橡胶的弹性模量和强度会得到提高。
- Open all kinds of accessories and rubber molds, various types of rubber materials preparation, processing shape, through-train service. 代开各类橡胶配件模具,各类橡胶材料配制,产品加工成型,一条龙服务。
- We owe this to the Shenyang Rubber Research and Design Institute to create the extravehicular spacesuit rubber materials. 这要归功于沈阳橡胶研究设计院制造的舱外航天服橡胶材料。
- PAH are mainly used in plasticized or black colored plastic or rubber materials and may be absorbed through the skin in case of direct contact. 多环芬香烃(PAH)主要来自于软质、深色的橡胶及塑料,可以透过皮肤直接接触感染。
- Mooney-Rivlin constitutive function is the representative one in rubber materials and FEM is a efficient method to analyze the large deformation problem. Mooney-Rivlin本构模型是橡胶材料中具有代表性的本构模型,有限元法是分析大变形问题的有效方法。
- The three main ways on the adhesion for rubber and other materials are : enhancing the adhesiveness of rubber material by adding specific adhesion promoter o... 水基型强力胶粘剂应作为当前的研究重点。
- The design; Rubber product for vehicle and shockproof and damping; New rubber material and modified. 轮胎设计;汽车用橡胶制品;减震、隔振橡胶制品;橡胶新材料及改性;橡胶节能、环保、安全新技术等。
- This kind of plastic rubber material has the function of resisting heat and wear. 这种橡塑材料,具有抗热耐磨的性能。
- Design the natural bending adopt soft rubber material to coordinate hand easily, and wash conveniently. 设计采用软性橡胶材料易于配合手的自然弯曲,和方便清洗。
- Nonskid design is divided two parts;base design uses special soft nonskid rubber material, keeping contacting most of the table top and can't move. 防滑设计,分两部分,底部防滑设计,采用软性特殊防滑橡胶材料,保证能与绝大多数的台面接触良好而不能移动。
- Using the theory of continuum mechanics, strain energy density function of sponge rubber material is founded based on Ogden model. 海绵橡胶是密封条的重要组成部分,是一种可压缩的大变形非线性弹性材料。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。
- At the end of lessons in the design of running shoes, a large number to reduce the rubber material, reducing the weight of shoes, a towel material tongue trapeze plus signs. 中底吸取跑鞋的设计思想,大量缩减了橡胶材质,减轻了鞋的重量,鞋舌采用了毛巾材料加飞人标志。