- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 无数洗衣者的搓洗将那块石头磨掉了。
- Give the table a good rub with this polish. 用这上光剂把桌子好好擦一擦。
- Please give the table a good rub with this cloth. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。
- I am going to rub up the chromium on the car. 我准备把汽车上的镀铬部件擦亮。
- I rubbed the window with a cloth. 我用一块布擦窗子。
- He rubbed his hands to keep them warm. 他揉搓着双手来取暖。
- I rubbed hard but the stain just wouldn't go. 我使劲擦也擦不掉那污迹。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有机会发挥他才能的工作。
- I hadn't expected to rub up against them again. 我本来就没有料到会再次碰上他们。
- I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。
- My wife and I seem to rub along together all right. 我妻子和我似乎相处得很好。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做这个工作花了许多时间。
- He rubbed out the mark on his book. 他把他书上的记号擦掉了。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- He rubbed out the lines and remade them. 他把线擦掉,又划了几条。
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
- The colours rubbed off on my clothes. 颜色都擦到了我的衣服上。