- rual primary organization 农村基层
- At the same time,we should strengthen the building of policing information in primary organization within the framework of our responsibility. 为此,基层所队既要争取上级部门在硬件和科技上的支持和保障,更要强调在自身职责范围内夯实综合基础信息的根基。
- These results indicate that D NNA can be unidirection ally converted to L NNA and the kidney is the primary organ on D NNA chiral inversion . D NNA在大鼠体内可单向代谢转化L NNA ,肾脏是D NNA发生手性转化的主要器官
- In the later case, a primary organization is in charge of the management of metadata, while the physical database is maintained by its respective organization. 在第二种情况中,则由一主要单位组织负责管理诠释资料,而实体资料则由其各自之组织维护。
- We should increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations. 不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。
- More than 96% of signet ring cell carcinomas arise in the stomach, with the rest arising from other primary organs. 96%25以上的印戒细胞癌来自于胃,其余来自于其它器官。
- With regard to the tasks of the primary organizations,fairly comprehensive provisions are made to suit current conditions. 对于基层组织的任务,草案也根据目前的情况,作了比较全面的规定。
- The primary organizations of the Party constituteits foundation of doing all its work and building up its combat effectiveness. 党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础。
- With regard to the tasks of the primary organizations, fairly comprehensive provisions are made to suit current conditions. 对于基层组织的任务,草案也根据目前的情况,作了比较全面的规定。
- In children 3 months to 5 years of age, the primary organism responsible for meningitis is Haemophilus influenzae type B. 引起3个月至5岁小孩感染的细菌以B型流感嗜血杆菌为主。
- Some of these fine particles--suspended in air as primary organic aerosols--are tiny flecks rich in carbon, often from sources such as diesel exhaust. 在这些作为初级有机气溶胶悬浮在空气中的细微颗粒当中,有些是富含碳元素的小尘粒,来源是柴油车尾气之类的排放。
- primary organization of the Party 基层党组织
- the Party' s primary organization 党的基层组织
- Building of Primary Organization 基层基础建设
- Primary organic inclusions in diagenetic minerals are widely used to determine the time of oil re-servoir formation, oil expulsion, migration as well as hydrocarbon maturity. 利用有机包裹体测温和包裹体中烃类组成特征、结合盆地模拟技术的精细时-温埋藏史、古地温史恢复来研究油气运聚期次、成熟度,可有效地指明成藏史。
- That disease mostly appears in rual areas. 那疾病多见于农村地区.
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The rural primary organizations in China have an important role to play in mobilizing and organizing the people to participate in the development-oriented poverty reduction work aimed at reshaping their own destiny. 在中国,农村基层组织在动员和组织群众参加改变自身命运的扶贫开发中作用重大。
- Inasmuch as primary organizations form the basic links between the Party and the masses,an important political task of the Party's leading bodies is to constantly check and help improve their work. 党的基层组织是党联系广大群众的基本纽带,经常检查和改进基层组织的工作,是党的领导机关的重要政治任务。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。