- Rows upon rows of houses are building. 一排排的房屋正在修建。
- Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront. 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。
- On either side of the road are row upon row of houses. 街道两旁的建筑物鳞次栉比。
- Area of Hong Kong center, high-level building row upon row of, the head office of Hong Kong plutocrat.. 香港中心地区,高层楼房鳞次栉比,香港财阀的总公司...
- Four cranes block out the skyline, but the foreground is row upon row of boarded-up houses and shuttered storefronts. 四架起重机架起了天际线,其下却是一排排的板房和门窗紧锁的店面。
- Nanjing Road with row upon row of shops, a superB collection of numerous commodities and a convergence of myriad Businessmen, deserves to Be called the first street of China. 南京路上万商云集,商店鳞次栉比,商品琳琅满目,不愧为中华第一街。
- This is Copenhagen's first-class shopping center. It is adjacent to the port in the suburbs. There are row upon row of stores and restaurants, and a muti-functional theater. 这是哥本哈根的一流大型购物中心,毗邻市郊的海港。购物中心内商店和餐馆鳞次栉比,甚至还有一家多功能电影院。
- In Chiang Kai-shek's capital at Nanking, in the Futzemiao district, there were row upon row of houses where men openly peddled their wives to stray passers-by. 在蒋介石的首都南京夫子庙一带有着一排一排的房子,男人们在那里公开向过路行人兜售自己的妻子。
- Beyond those monuments to heroism is the Potomac River 9 and on the far shore the sloping hills of Arlington National Cemetery, with its row upon row of simple white markers bearing crosses or Stars of David. 过了这些英雄纪念碑和纪念堂就是波托马克河,河对岸是阿林顿国家公墓,坡地上排着一行行刻有十字架和大卫王之星的朴实无华的白色墓碑。
- PERPIGNAN, France: A few months ago Isidore Santamaria went out into his picturesque vineyard in southwestern France and ripped row upon row of neatly cultivated vines out of the ground. 佩皮尼昂法国:几个月前,圣伊西多走出去到他的葡萄园风景如画,在法。
- PERPIGNAN, France ?A few months ago Isidore Santamaria went out into his picturesque vineyard in southwestern France and ripped row upon row of neatly cultivated vines out of the ground. 几个月前,伊斯多?桑塔马利亚走进他在法国西南部如画般的葡萄园,将种得整整齐齐的葡萄树,一排排从土??洫?_。
- PERPIGNAN, France ? A few months ago Isidore Santamaria went out into his picturesque vineyard in southwestern France and ripped row upon row of neatly cultivated vines out of the ground. 几个月前,伊斯多?桑塔马利亚走进他在法国西南部如画般的葡萄园,将种得整整齐齐的葡萄树,一排排从土??洫?_。
- And as I lift my eyes again,I see rows upon rows of roofs,miles of them,stretching in ugly square outlines to the distance. 当我再仰首眺望时,我看见一列一列的屋顶,连结几英里远,形成一些难看的四方形的轮廓,一直伸展到远方去。
- And as I lift my eyes again, I see rows upon rows of roofs, miles of them, stretching in ugly square outlines to the distance. 当我再仰首眺望时,我看见一列一列的屋顶,连结几英里远,形成一些难看的四方形的轮廓,一直伸展到远方去。
- Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。
- Rows upon rows of high risings and winding streets were inlaid among verdant mountains and forests.The lake has occupied almost the half area of the town and forms a unique and charming landscape. 鳞次栉比的高楼、峰加路转的街市,若隐若现地镶嵌在凝翠吐绿的山峦层林中,恰到好处地形成了独具一格的“一城山产色半城湖”的迷离风光。
- If viewed far, with Hyuk wall, the windows over the brown, flattened the building row upon row, like a town. 远远望去,赫墙排列,褐窗密布,平顶楼房鳞次栉比,俨然一座城镇。
- A row of trees screened our view. 一排树木挡住了我们的视线。
- But the housewives of New England cut their apples in even slices and filled their pies with them in a well-organized way, row upon row. 不过,新英格兰的家庭主妇用苹果做派时,倒是把苹果片切得很均匀,一排排、井井有条地放在饼里。
- Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。