- routing state information 路由状态信息
- Explains how routing groups, connectors, and link state information function to enable efficient message delivery. 说明了路由组、连接器和链接状态信息如何工作以实现有效的邮件传递。
- TBP(Ticket-based Probing) algorithm is an effective unicast routing algorithm under imprecise network state information. 算法是一种有效的非精确网络状态下单播路由算法。
- The routing group master within each routing group is responsible for maintaining and communicating link state information to all routing group members. 每个路由组内部的路由组主服务器都负责维护链路状态信息,并将该信息传递给所有路由组成员。
- Intra-routing group LSA Within a routing group, the routing group master tracks link state information and propagates it to the remaining servers in the routing group. 路由组内部的LSA在路由组内部,路由组主服务器跟踪链路状态信息,并将它传播到路由组中其余的服务器。
- When the routing group master becomes available again, it reconstructs its link state information, beginning with all servers and connectors marked as unavailable. 当路由组主服务器再次变为可用时,它将从标记为不可用的所有服务器和连接器开始,重建链接状态信息。
- When you link routing groups by means of an X.400 connector, link state information is exchanged between the MTAs as part of typical message transmission. 通过X.;400连接器链接路由组时;作为典型邮件传输的一部分;链路状态信息在MTA之间交换。
- Since the routing is based on the pro-cessing of networks state information,an approach for intelligent routing basing on knowle dge processing is outlined in this paper. 其中,智能路由是应对这一挑战的策略之一。 智能路由包括网络状态信息收集和处理的智能化、路由机制的智能化等方面。
- A Performance- Dynamic Source Routing protocol (PDSR) is proposed in this paper, which uses link state information and node state information to improve on the performance of DSR. 本文利用链路和节点发送缓存的状态信息对DSR协议进行优化和改进,提出了一种Performance-DSR(PDSR)协议。
- Such state information is called the private view state. 这样的状态信息称为私有视图状态。
- State An object that contains state information for this request. 一个对象,它包含此请求的状态信息。
- Transmits state information about client/server interaction. 传输关于客户/服务器交互的状态信息。
- Transmits state information about client/ server interaction. 传输关于客户/务器交互的状态信息。
- They exchange link state information so that all servers running Exchange Server 2003 in an organization can perform dynamic message routing, as explained in Message Routing Architecture. 它们交换链路状态信息,以便组织中运行Exchange Server 2003的所有服务器都可以执行动态邮件路由,邮件路由体系结构对此进行了解释。
- Routing Group connectors are preferred over Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connectors because Routing Group connectors are easy to configure and automatically pass on Exchange Server link state information. 通过简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)连接器路由组连接器是首选因为路由组连接器是易于配置和ExchangeServer链路状态信息自动传递。
- Initializes all data and state information pertaining to this fallback buffer. 初始化所有与此回退缓冲区相关的数据和状态信息。
- Exchange Server 2003 message routing Exchange Server 2003 uses link state information to make dynamic routing decisions, rather than routing decisions based on a static routing table. Exchange Server 2003邮件路由Exchange Server 2003使用链路状态信息来动态制定路由决策,而不是基于静态的路由表来制定路由决策。
- The advanced queuing engine also uses the Exchange Router sink to update link state information, if the state of local messaging connectors changes, as explained in Message Routing Architecture. 如果本地邮件连接器的状态发生变化,则高级排队引擎也使用Exchange路由器接收器来更新链路状态信息,邮件路由体系结构中对此有说明。
- Lack of context or state information makes it impossible to use packet-filters for datagram-based protocols such as File Transfer Protocol. 缺乏上下文或国家信息使之不能把包过滤用于数据包为基础的协议,如文件传送协议。
- Defines identifiers that indicate the current battery charge level or charging state information. 定义指示当前电池能量级别或充电状态信息的标识符。