- routine operation decision 日常业务性决策
- Assist with dept. routine operation. 协助维持部门日常工作。
- He died of a heart attack during a routine operation. 他在一次普通手术中死于心脏病。
- Leads the resolving of the problems occurred during routine operation. 领导并解决日常工作出现的问题。
- He reported to the committee on routine operational matters. 他向委员会汇报日常的手术事宜。
- What radioactive wastes will be produced in the routine operation of a nuclear power plant? 核电厂日常运行会产生什么放射性废物?
- Simulation Training System can train routine operation as well as handing ability of all kinds of failure. 仿真训练系统既能训练常规操作,又能培训各种故障的处理应变能力; 利用训练仿真系统进行训练,具有高效率和高效。
- Thinking decision attitude, thought the decision operation decision habits, habits decide the outcome. 态度决定思想,思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定结果。
- If you disrupt routine operations, they try deadlier ones. 如果你阻止了常规性袭击,他们会尝试更为致命的。
- Treatment of Greater Saphenous Varicos Vein by Endovenous Laser Closure Combined with Routine Operation[J]. 引用该论文 解远峰;于永山;赵堂海;齐秀艳;王海波;郭明金.
- As a routine operation in nursing, removing the venepuncture needle leads to many adverse effects. 静脉穿刺拔针是护理常规操作,然而拔针不当会出现许多不良反应。
- It would also allow more efficient wheeling of power, saving utilities and their customers millions of dollars during routine operation. 这套系统还可让我们更有效率地转送电力,为电力公司与客户节省数百万美元的日常运作成本。
- Control group was treated with routine operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and STF group was treated with routine treatments plus STF. 生存分析实验组的生存率与对照组无大差别,但STF可能可延长患者生存时间。
- The article proposes a model which is a combined application of ABC and EVA,It can overcome the defect of ABC and make the cost information more reliable for product pricing and operation decision. 文章提出了作业成本法与经济增加值结合的成本核算模型,克服了作业成本的内在缺陷,可以为商业银行的产品定价、经营决策提供更为可靠的成本信息。
- Although cataracts can be overcome with a relatively routine operation, they are responsible for almost 50 percent of cases of avoidable blindness worldwide, the statement said. 声明称,虽然白内障可以通过相对常规的手术得以治疗,但世界上几乎50%25可避免的失明还是由白内障造成的。
- "It is also possible to accidentally trigger this vulnerability using common queries found in routine operation, especially queries originating from SMTP servers". "还可能是不小心使用常规操作中的常用查询触发了这个安全隐患,尤其是 从 SMTP 服务器中发起的查询。"
- The operational decision to continue the approach by visual means, however, must be made before passing DH. 然而,以目视方法继续进近的运行决断,必须在通过决断高度之前做出。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- Surveillance technology also blurs the distinction between emergency and routine operations. 监视技术也模糊了紧急行动与日常事务之间的区别。
- National because operational decisions have to be taken at the country level. 这是因为,实施决定,必须在国家一级做出。