- This rough track will soon be a metalled road. 这条坑坑洼洼的路不久就要铺上碎石了。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。
- The cart bumped along the rough road. 运货马车沿着崎岖不平的道路颠簸而行。
- Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。
- Could you give me a rough idea when you'll be back? 你能告诉我你大概什么时候回来吗?
- It is rough on him to work at Christmas. 他很倒楣,在耶诞节还要工作。
- She's too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex. 她很拘谨,听到性爱笑话也不笑。
- I've told you to stop away from those rough boys. 我已嘱咐过你离那些粗野的男孩远点儿。
- Is this behaviour typical of the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗?
- She pencilled the rough outline of a house. 她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图。
- There's too much sex in the film. 这电影里色情场面太多。
- Rough edges must be lapped over. 毛边必须折叠起来。
- That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes. 那部悬疑片有一些过火的做爱镜头。
- Nowadays, smart studs practice safe sex. 在今日,聪明的性活跃者会选择安全的性。
- She disguised her true sex under a man's garment. 她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。
- Most girls do not go in for rough games. 大多数女孩子不参加粗野的游戏。
- A police car jogged along on the rough path to the village. 一辆警车在通向村庄的高低不平的小路上颠簸地行进。
- The ship made slow progress through the rough sea. 船只在汹涌的大海中缓慢前进。