- rough riding sur face 粗造的路面
- The referee ruled him off for rough riding. 裁判员因他的态度粗暴而不准他参加比赛。
- Hang on tight; it's going to be a rough ride. 抓紧;汽车要颠簸了。
- The road is a bumpy, it's a rough ride. 这条路疙里疙瘩的,真不好走。
- George felt that his wife had been given a rough ride in hospital. 乔治感到他妻子在医院受到了讥笑。
- Results There are many pseudopodia and microvilli on the glioma cell sur face. 结果胶质瘤细胞表面有大量伪足结构和微绒毛结构。
- He will be given a rough ride at the party conference. 在党员大会上他会很难过这一关。
- The auditors gave the accountant a rough ride because of errors in the figures. 因为数字上出现了差错,查帐员们严厉地批评了那个会计。
- He went before the disciplinary committee and had a really rough ride. 他在纪律委员会上受到了严厉的批评。
- I had a rough ride with my boss-he just wouldn't listen to my ideas at all. 我和老板搞得不愉快,他根本不听我的意见。
- A system that can automatically identify critical regions of sculptured part sur face that are unfeasible for machining is presented. 提出用干涉区域自动生成系统来识别不容易被加工的关键区域。
- Making use of Tight-binding approximation,plotting isoenergic sur face about S state electron of simple cubic lattice in first Brillouin zone in M ATLAB soft. 利用紧束缚近似方法;在数学软件MATLAB中绘制简立方晶格S态电子在第一布里渊区的等能面.
- The important role of flattening pro cess is improving sur face degree of f inish of Stainless Cold Roll Strip and cold ma chining Character of ferritic Stain less Steel. 平整工艺对提高不锈冷轧带钢的表面光洁度和铁素体不锈钢的冷加工性及改善板形质量都有重要的作用。
- I knew this would be the roughest ride for me. 我知道这将是最艰难的一场硬仗。
- At that moment, the TV serial "The Rough Ride" was broadcasted at TVB, Hong Kong. 在那一刻,电视连续剧“粗糙换乘”播出时,无线电视,香港。
- Similar to the guidance of launch vehicles, a uniform gravity field on lunar sur face is assumed.An explicit guidance law for powered descending phase is propos ed to minimize the fuel consumption. 参考运载火箭制 导过程的分析方法,假设月球为一均匀引力场,以燃耗最优性为出发点,提出了一种用于软 着陆动力下降过程的显式制导律。
- It's a long, rough ride to the site of the Adams Museum's summer archeology camp, a former icehouse on the hills surrounding Deadwood . 在崎岖的道路上,经过长途跋涉,记者来到亚当斯博物馆的考古夏令营。
- The Maoists for their part are likely to use their powerful national organisation, trade unions and gangs of heavies, to give the new government a rough ride. 从毛派来说,他们可能利用其强大的全国组织,工会和黑帮使新政府举步维艰。
- John the Revelator doesn't paint a very pretty picture and if any of the described horrors will have a physical manifestation we're all in for a rough ride. 约翰启示者不画非常美丽的画面,如果任何的一个恐惧描述将会有一个物理表现我们称之一个粗糙的骑车。
- The fantastic 2D graphics offers a realistic driving experience, complete with a sensitive suspension to jostle you around and roads that punish cars for rough riding and road crashes. 奇妙的2D图形提供一种现实的驾驶经验,藉由一个敏感的悬线在附近推挤你而且为粗糙骑和道路处罚汽车的道路当机。