- One rotten apple spoil the whole barrel. 一只烂苹果,糟蹋一整箩。
- The rotten apple injures its neighbour. 一只烂苹果坏一筐。
- He rotten apple spoils the barrel. 一只老鼠坏一锅汤。
- You may find a rotten apple in any race. 任何种族,都有害群之马。
- The rotten apple injures its neighours. 一人作恶,万人遭殃。
- The rotten apple injuries its neighbours. 一只死老鼠,弄赃粥一锅。
- His youngest son was the rotten apple. 他最小的儿子是个败类。
- One rotten apple spoils the barrel. 一个烂苹果毁坏一筐苹果。
- One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. 一只烂苹果烂一萝苹果。
- Syuichi: Inside is crimpling Rotten Apple, isnt it! 秀一:内心却是褶皱不堪的腐烂苹果!!
- A rotten apple injures its companions. 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。害群之马。
- The rotten apple injures its neighbours. 一只烂苹果坏了近邻。
- Ants swarmed all over the rotten apple. 烂苹果上爬满了蚂蚁。
- There is always a rotten apple to spoil it for the best of us. 总有那么一个坏小子在损坏我们大家的利益。
- Beside the rotten apple the good one also spoils. - Prov. 挨着烂苹果,好苹果也会烂掉。(近墨者黑。)
- We cannot use a rotten apple to generalize about the whole group. 我们不能用一个坏傢伙,去概括全体。
- He had to toss those rotten apples away. 他不得不把腐烂的苹果扔掉。
- Most students are polite and hardworking but there are a few rotten apples. 大部分学生都有礼貌,非常刻苦,不过也有几个差的。
- He culled the rotten apples from each box. 他把烂苹果从每个盒子里捡了出来。
- He let down the whole group,but there always seems to be one rotten apple. 他把整个小组都砸了,但一只烂,烂一筐的事似乎总是有的。