- She always takes a rosy view of life. 她总是对生活持乐观态度。
- Taking even the rosiest view, the war in Afghanistan is likely to get more expensive, and worse, before it gets better. 即使最乐观的人来看阿富汗战争,都会认为这是个烧钱的地方。更糟糕的是,无论你扔进去多少钱,局势都未必有所改观。
- Taking even the rosiest view, the war in Afghanistan is likely to get more Cheap Darkfall Online Gold expensive, and worse, before it gets better. 即便最乐观来看,阿富汗战争态势好转前,可能会花钱更多,局势更坏。
- In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous. 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。
- She painted a rosy picture of the firm's future. 她为公司的前景描绘了一幅美好的图画。
- The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely. 那女孩玫瑰色的脸颊使她显得非常可爱。
- The little girl has rosy cheeks. 那个小女孩脸颊红润。
- She by the name of Rose has rosy cheeks. 叫做玫瑰的她有玫瑰一样红润的脸颊。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。
- The view was obliterated by the fog. 景色被浓雾遮住了。
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- He put it where it is concealed from view. 他把它放到看不见的地方。
- She removed her blouse in full view of everybody. 她当着大家的面脱掉短上衣。
- The matter appeared at first view of little moment. 这件事乍看起来不怎么重要。
- The place has a fine view of the lake. 从那个地方可看到湖泊的美丽景色。
- If our life together proves half as rosy as you predict, we'll be well content! 如果我们未来的生活能被你的美好的祝辞言中一半,我们也就心满意足了!