- All this lays a solid foundation for the publication of Cultural Dialogue. 这一切,都成为办好《文化交流》这个杂志的坚实基
- Cultural Dialogue will certainly make great contributions to this on-going historical dialogue. 《文化交流》这个杂志,必将对此作出自己的贡献。
- Political leaderships should also double its efforts to promote cultural dialogue and to eradicate discrimination and marginalization. 政治领导也应当加倍努力促进文化对话,根除民族歧视和民族排斥。
- The harmony between these two contexts is the promoting force for cultural dialogue, and it is also the sunshine and rain for the growth of sinology. 这种语境的和谐既是文化交流的推进器,也是汉学生长的阳光和雨露。
- The Chinese cultural forum "Towards the Next Century-A Cultural Dialogue",organized by Lianhe Zaobao recently,is a rare cultural feast. The discussions still reverberate in our minds. Not only that. Some interesting topics can be further deliberated upon. 这次《联合早报》主办的“跨世纪的文化对话”确是难得的文化盛筵,不仅余音袅袅,还留下了一些有趣的话题可以讨论。
- Cultural Dialogue will distinguish itself among the multitude of Chinese magazines, like a new flower blooming in a myriad-colored garden. This is something about which we are very happy to extend our hearty congratulations. 在当今全国万紫千红的杂志园圃中,开放出这样一丛新花,这是非常值得庆贺的。
- As a student of Chinese culture, I have gained a useful insight into its state of health and future prospects after attending the recent "Towards the Next Century ---- A Cultural Dialogue" organised by the Lianhe Zaobao. 我是个中华文化的爱好者,由《联合早报》主办的《跨世纪的文化对话》令我对中华文化的现状和前景有更深入的认识。
- Congratulations on the Publication of Cultural Dialogue 对《文化交流》的祝贺
- All right if I speak to Mr. Ross. 我同洛斯行政管理说话行吗?
- Cultural Dialogue: Wise Decision for Coexistence in the Era of Globalization 文化对话:全球化时代的生存智慧
- Bob Ross here. Can I speak to Mr. Brick- wood, please? 我是鲍勃罗斯。请布里克伍德先生听电话好吗?
- The novel contains more narrative than dialogue. 这部小说里的叙述比对话多。
- The dialogue in old books is not quoted. 旧书里的对话不加引号。
- He writes dialogue by cut monologue in two. 他把独白切成两截来写对白。
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- I was manager at the time for Sir Ross Smith. 那时我是澳洲飞行家史密斯的经理人;
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
- seminar on cultural dialogue between the countries of origin and the host countries of migrant workers 移民工人的原籍国和所在国之间文化对话讨论会
- Ross: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. 哦对了;还有亚历克.;鲍德温和金
- Ross: Hey, hey. Yertle the Turtle. A classic. 嘿,嘿。《乌龟大王亚尔特》,经典名著。