- maxillary sinus bone rongeur forceps 上颌窦咬骨钳
- rongeur forceps 骨钳,修骨钳
- In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps. 一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接生出来了。
- mastoid rongeur forceps 乳突咬骨钳
- rongeur forcep 修骨钳, 带齿槽骨钳
- Shaped like or resembling forceps. 钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的
- I will be there to hand him the forceps. 我将在那里给他递钳子。
- He recognized me and waved a forceps. 他倒还认得我,挥一挥钳子。
- Stainless steel Edison forceps etc. 不锈钢爱迪生镊等。
- Stainless steel eyes forceps etc. 不锈钢眼用镊等。
- Stainless steel forceps soaking barrel etc. 不锈钢泡镊筒等。
- The figures show an increase in forceps deliveries. 数字显示产钳分娩数量增多。
- Dispose forceps and soiled dressing in a plastic bag. 钳子和旧敷料放在污敷料袋内。
- I would like to avoid forceps and ventouse to pull the baby out. 如果必须要采用外力帮助,我希望不用产钳而是用胎头吸引术。
- Details (eg type of cesarean section scar forceps etc. 细节(如,剖宫产切口外形,钳子等)
- Luer-Stiller gouge forceps rib rongeur 路-斯二氏肋骨咬骨钳
- We present a case report in which the contralateral ureter was injured by rongeur instrument after a left lumbar discectomy. 我们报告一例使用咬骨钳器施行左侧腰椎间槃突出切除术时发生右侧输尿管伤害的病例。
- Each kit also includes scissors, forceps and first aid instructions. 每套工具也包括剪刀,钳子和急救指示。
- The dentist spread his feet and grasped the tooth with the hot forceps. 牙医叉开双脚站好,用烫热的镊子把那颗牙紧紧夹住。
- Gourd-shaped mouth was, ports such as forceps, a width of 100 meters. 河口呈葫芦状,港口如钳,宽约100公尺。