- Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment. 想入非非的因浪漫的感情而迷乱或分神的
- Dazedor distracted with romantic sentiment. 想入非非的因浪漫的感情而迷乱或分神的。
- Warm sun lampshade, leisure and romantic sentiment, and elegant and pelasing environment. 暖暖的阳光灯罩,闲逸浪漫气氛,环境优雅宜人。
- The romantic sentiment in this night club helps you to get rid of the day's fatigue. 本夜总会的浪漫情调,为你驱散一天的疲劳。
- The dreamland Night Club play grand singing and dancing evening everynight.it is full of romantic sentiment,Sitting in it you will experience unforgettable memories. 梦幻夜总会每晚推出大型风情歌舞晚会,浪漫经典,置身其中,让您感受异国情调,难以忘怀。
- I want the in search of man, he is a real man, having the open-minded and bright personality, humor beau manner of speaking, romantic sentimental appeal, successful. Love passionately life. 我要寻找的男人;他是个真正的男人;有豁达开朗的性格;幽默文雅的谈吐;浪漫的情调;事业有成.;热爱生活
- I want the in search of man, he is a real man, having the open-minded and bright personality, humor beau manner of speaking, romantic sentimental appeal, successful.Love passionately life. 我要寻找的男人;他是个真正的男人;有豁达开朗的性格;幽默文雅的谈吐;浪漫的情调;事业有成.;热爱生活
- She has romantic notions about becoming a famous actress. 她心里充满幻想,总希望有一天会成为著名演员。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
- He could not adequately express his sentiment. 他无法恰当地表达出他的感情。
- Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin. 汤姆把那所房子想像成有传奇色彩的废墟。
- There is no place for sentiment in business. 做生意不能感情用事。
- Romantic heroines are often capricious. 浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。
- The song aroused patriotic sentiment. 这首歌唤起了爱国情操。
- She has a dreamy romantic nature. 她爱幻想又多情。
- I've always been a sucker for romantic movies. 我一向喜欢传奇性的影片。
- Keats is one of the greatest Romantic poets. 济慈是伟大的浪漫主义诗人。
- They buzzed about Halley's romantic affair. 他们嘁嘁喳喳地谈论哈利的风流韵事。
- Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情绪是赞成减税。
- The time has come to abandon the romantic view of Imperial history. 现在已经到了抛弃帝国历史的幻想的时候了。