- romantic lyric style 浪漫抒情体
- This paper is to discuss the lyric style in Chang Yao's poems in such three fields as the plateau meditation, epic temperament and modern consciousness. 本文试图从高原情思、史诗气质、代意识三个方面探讨昌耀诗歌的抒情风格。
- This is also a lyrical style give it a try. 这次也是尝试一下抒情风格的。
- On Lao She's Romantic Lyric Novel 试论老舍的浪漫抒情体小说
- Xiao Hong died of an untimely death.She created a unique style of Xiao Hongs works.From a lyric style this paper tries to make an exploration,so as to get some enlightenment and explore some reasons. 萧红英年早逝,但她却创造了别具一格的萧红体小说,尤其在抒情手法的运用上,以间接抒情为主,用情写人、状物、叙事,形成叙事处即抒情,抒情处即叙事,借景抒情,情景交融的抒情风格。
- The blazing time spirits, the grand national verve and the lyric style constitute the features of Guo's chronicle plays which mainly originate from his strong emotion in such a special period. 强烈的时代精神、雄伟的民族气魄和浓烈的抒情风格构成了郭沫若历史剧的特色,而在剧本中注入强烈的主观情感因素是形成这个特色的主要原因。
- The second chapter falls into three parts, i.e. the indirect and euphemistic lyric style, the veiled and implicit “Bi Xing” lyric style, and the “ feeling and setting happily blended” lyric mode. 正文第二部分从三个角度,即:委婉曲折的抒情风格、含蓄蕴藉的比兴寄托式抒情方式及融情入景、情景交融兼胜的抒情模式,论述了张九龄诗歌的抒情艺术。
- His symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs exemplify the height of romantic lyricism. 他的交响乐作品继承了古典音乐的优秀传统,而他创作出的歌曲成为了浪漫抒情主义的典范。
- Brahms has splendidly dealt with the contradictions between the romantic lyricism and the classic form, which has fully manifested his solid composing skill and prudential personality. 勃拉姆斯在这套作品中出色处理了浪漫主义抒情性与古典主义曲式的矛盾,充分体现了他扎实的作曲功力和谨慎隐忍的个性。
- She has romantic notions about becoming a famous actress. 她心里充满幻想,总希望有一天会成为著名演员。
- In Part Two, the paper goes to analyze the variety and fundamental characteristics of Heyang folk song, especially the characteristics of its lyrics style. 第二部分,对河阳山歌的种类及基本特征进行分析,其中包括歌词题材特征分析。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
- Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin. 汤姆把那所房子想像成有传奇色彩的废墟。
- His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。
- Romantic heroines are often capricious. 浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。
- This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry. 这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- She has a dreamy romantic nature. 她爱幻想又多情。
- The anthology reveals a prejudice in favour of lyric poets. 这部选集显示出对抒情诗人有所偏爱。
- I've always been a sucker for romantic movies. 我一向喜欢传奇性的影片。