- Let's roll back the carpets and have a dance. 咱们把地毯卷起来跳舞吧。
- Nobody can roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
- That's a flip turn, the fastest turn. 他采用的翻腾式转身,是最快的转身方式。
- She is good at back stroke and free style. 她擅长仰泳和自由泳。
- By adding support for rolling back the changes. 通过添加对回滚更改的支持,扩展了。
- I keep the ball from rolling back down the slopes. 我不让球滚回坡下。
- It revolutionized the butterfly and back stroke and now free style advanced and is one of the most effective tools to building momentum off the start and turn. 它使蝶泳,仰泳和自由泳得以发展和改革,是出发和转身后创造推进力的最有效的手段之一。
- The car began to roll back down the hill. 汽车开始倒着往山下滑。
- Nobody could roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能倒转历史的车轮。
- NORECOVERY specifies that roll back not occur. NORECOVERY指定不发生回滚。
- Transactions may fail and may start to roll back. 事务可能会失败并可能开始回滚。
- The start in back stroke and medley relay races shall be from the water. 仰泳和混和接力泳的出发是在水中。
- You can only roll back one version level at a time. 每次只能回滚一个版本级别。
- Roll back the given transaction. 回滚给定的事务。
- Roll back to the right to exit this maneuver. 将副翼打右舵,使直升机恢复成为水平飞行。
- We will roll back the power of the central state. 我们会击退中央国家的武力的。
- Gillmor: Can you roll back through that? 可以回溯操作吗?
- Roll back to the given savepoint. 回滚到给定的回滚点。
- Well,I use breast stroke for long distance,crawl or free style for short distance and back stroke just for fun. 嗯,远距离离用蛙泳,短距离用爬泳或叫自由泳,仰泳只是游着玩玩。
- A: Well, I use breast stroke for long distance, crawl or free style for short distance and back stroke just for fun. 甲:嗯,长距离用蛙泳,短距离用爬泳或叫自由泳,仰泳只是游游玩玩。