There are rust spots on some of the rollers. 有些滚筒上有锈斑。
The auto focus feature and film cleaning rollers insure optimal input quality. 自动对焦功能和胶卷清洁滚筒可确保最佳输入质量。
Metal rollers clank rhythmically inside the Imperial Distributors warehouse, as employees slide boxes packed with health and beauty products down the lines. 帝国经销公司的仓库里,随着员工把装满保健美容产品的箱子从货运线上拖下来,金属滚轴有节奏地叮当作响。
Such a drive scheme exhibits frictional and damping behavior because sliding always occurs between the ball and rollers, for which compensation must be made. 这种驱动方式同时具备摩擦和减震两种特性,因为球和滚轴之间一定会有滑动,所以必须补偿回来。