- The money is a shoot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。
- Put in the money before dialing. 拨电话前先把钱放进去。
- If you offer a ten per cent discount for cash the money will come rolling in. 如果你做付现金打9折的买卖,财源一定会滚滚而来。
- Jin Qiao promised to hand in the money early next morning. 金桥答应第二天一早就把钱交上去。
- In the west province the money spinner is cocoa. 在西部省份,赚钱的产品是可可。
- The thunder rolled in the distance. 远方雷声隆隆。
- The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。
- After becoming a successful author, she has been rolling in the money. 成为一名成功的作家后,金钱便向她蜂拥而来。
- The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine. 那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。
- The money her mother gave was clenched tightly in the girl's hand. 那个女孩手里紧紧攥着妈妈给她的钱。
- The money was kept in the bank's vault. 钱放在银行的保险库里。
- Put the money in the hotel safe for safety. 为保险起见,请把钱放到饭店的保险箱里。
- The money was a shot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。
- This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks. 这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐得前仰后合。
- You'd better turn in the money that you found. 你最好把捡到的钱上交。
- Let's go for a roll in the hay, it'll be fun! 我们一起在干草垛里打滚吧,很好玩的!
- The money exchange counter is in the lobby. 外币兑换柜设在大堂。
- I suppose I have got to hand in the money now. 我想我得现在交钱。
- The camels rolled in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud. 骆驼在白茫茫的沙里打滚,扬起阵阵尘雾。
- A: Where's the money I left in the drawer? 我放在抽屉里的钱去哪里了?