- Schwab was widely supported in the Senate, and no senator insisted on a roll call vote. 施瓦布在参议院得到了广泛支持,没有一位参议员坚持进行记名投票。
- Congressional Observer Publications has a bunch of information (including roll call votes) about Congress. This is a commercial site, but it looks good. 国会观察者出版物网站有一些关于国会的信息(包括登记表投票)。这是个商业网站,不过看上去不错。
- The boy turned up missing at roll call. 小男孩在点名时不见了。
- The platoon mustered for roll call. 全排集合点名。
- Four students were absent at the class roll call. 班上点名时四个学生缺席。
- Don't keep away during the roll call. 点名时不要走开。
- We'd better have a roll call now. 我们最好现在点名。
- First of all, shall we have a roll call? 首先,我们是否点一下名?
- Do not keep away during the roll call . 点名时不要走开。
- The teacher did the roll call in reverse order. 老师倒着点名。
- I arrived just before roll call. 我到的时候刚要点名。
- A meta-analysis of campaign contributions'impact on roll call voting; Douglas D. Roscoe and Shannon Jenkins 关于竞选捐助影响记名投票的的元分析
- The teacher is talking the roll call to find out who are absent. 老师正在点名看看哪些人缺席。
- At the roll call,the men answered up to their names. 点名时,士兵们应对迅速。
- The sergeant raked the soldier over the coals for being late for roll call. 中士严厉责骂点名时迟到的那个士兵。
- At the roll call, the soldiers answered up to their names. 点名时,士兵们回答迅速。
- Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call. 议会点名时有17名议员缺席。
- Or you could add a column called Vote, where team members give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each item. 您还可以添加一个称为“投票”的列,工作组成员可以为其中的各个项添加赞成或反对批注。
- My failure to answer the roll call angered the teacher. 点名时我没回答,让老师生气了。
- Diddy fronted a fairly successful voter-registration campaign called “Vote or Die”. Diddy在2004年就领导了一场名曰“不投票,毋宁死”的特别成功的选民注册运动。