- The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。
- This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks. 这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐得前仰后合。
- This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles. 这出喜剧让他们乐得前仰后合。
- That'll really have them rolling in the aisles. 那真会让他们捧腹大笑的。
- Roll in the aisles: laugh so much that you fall out of your seat. 笑得太厉害以致于从椅子上掉下来。
- She soon had us rolling in the aisles. 她很快就让我们笑个不停。
- The after-dinner speaker has us rolling in the aisles. 这位餐后讲演者引得我们开怀大笑。
- The latest Broadway comedy has the audience rolling in the aisles. 最近出名的百老汇喜剧令观众们捧腹大笑。
- Joe's imitation of famous politicians had us rolling in the aisles. 乔模仿著名政治家的即兴表演让我们捧腹不已。
- What a funny lady! The audience was rolling in the aisles. 好一个有趣的女子,观众为她鼓掌喝彩。
- The comedian was very good indeed. He had the audience rolling in the aisles. 这个喜剧演员真棒,把观众逗得捧腹大笑。
- The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine. 那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。
- He was so funny that he knocked them in the aisles. 他太滑稽了,演得非常成功。
- Let's go for a roll in the hay, it'll be fun! 我们一起在干草垛里打滚吧,很好玩的!
- The thunder rolled in the distance. 远方雷声隆隆。
- The foothills began as gentle rolls in the plain. 大平原上起初地势偶尔有些平缓的起伏。
- We had people standing in the aisle. 有爱好艺术的确是的人要站在过道上。
- As for the slapstick performances of all,cool Vergie Derman with her diminutive,adoring partner,Wayne Sleep,it has them rolling in the aisles. 说到身材颀长、一本正经的费吉·德曼和她的个子矮小、彬彬有礼的搭挡韦恩·斯利普的滑稽表演,那简直让观众笑得肚子疼。
- They could hear thunder rolling in the distance. 他们可以听到远处有隆隆的雷声。
- As for the slapstick performances of all, cool Vergie Derman with her diminutive, adoring partner, Wayne Sleep, it has them rolling in the aisles. 说到身材颀长、一本正经的费吉 德曼和她的个子矮