- An Orthodox Jew investigates the scene of a Palestinian rocket attack. 一名东正教犹太人调查巴勒斯坦火箭弹袭击的现场。
- Kabul itself, meanwhile, suffered its second rocket attack in less than a week. 同时,喀布尔在不到一周时间里两次遭火箭弹袭击。
- His father Aghagan,40,was killed in a Taliban rocket attack and his son was the universal choice to succeed him. 他父亲阿哈甘40岁,在一场塔利班的火箭炮进攻中他被一致选为继承人。
- His father Aghagan, 40, was killed in a Taliban rocket attack and his son was the universal choice to succeed him. 他父亲阿哈甘(Aghagan)40岁,在一场塔利班的火箭炮进攻中他被一致选为继承人。
- When coach Rick - Adelman in the fourth quarter put replacement, a rocket attack once again plunged into a quagmire. 当主教练里克-阿德尔曼在第四节派上替补时,火箭的进攻再次陷入泥潭。
- But in first half's majority of time, two person of coordinations is actually the rocket attack main melody. 但在上半场的大部分时间里,两人的配合却是火箭进攻的主旋律。
- Hamas’s rocket attacks pose an irreversible threat. 哈马斯的火箭弹袭击却造成不可逆转的威胁。
- Indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israeli towns are inexcusable. 用火箭对以色列城镇狂轰滥炸是不可宽恕的。
- Earlier Tuesday, the military said a US soldier was killed in a rocket attack by rebels in the south of Baghdad on Monday. 周二早间,军方称周一在巴格达南部一名美军士兵被抵抗组织发射的火箭弹击中而死亡。
- A stable low score, can rely on a series of half-court pass, can not run tactics to promote its own to become a rocket attack on the new way. 一个稳定的低位得分点,一个可以信赖的半场传球串联者,也可以在战术无法运行时独自成为推进火箭进攻的新出路。
- Eighteen years later, Rasheed takes a second wife, Laila, the 14-year-old daughter of educated parents killed in a rocket attack. 18年后,拉希德娶了第二个妻子,14岁的莱拉。莱拉父母受过教育,却死于火箭袭击。
- The military says this place is used as cover for cross-border rocket attacks. 军方称这个地方是用来掩护边界的导弹袭击。
- But Bary indicated that to the competition final time, the player who usually took over control the rocket attack is not he, was also not Alston or Brooks. 但巴里表示,到了比赛最后时刻,通常接管火箭进攻的球员不是他自己,也不是阿尔斯通或布鲁克斯。
- The attacks are in response to rocket attacks on Israeli border towns. 这是对火箭筒袭击以色列边境城镇事件的回应。
- After the game, anxious to Barrie did not own up to, the two teams in each sub-Biao, a row of Barry Scola assists and Yao Ming, Barry assists in moving the rocket attack. 比赛开始后,巴里并没有急于为为自己涨分,在球队双方互相飙分的时候,巴里连续的助攻斯科拉和姚明,巴里的助攻盘活了火箭的进攻。
- Kabul police officers and a western security source said there was an unsuccessful rocket attack in the city and a possible grenade attack on an Afghan army office. 喀布尔警察以及一西方安保内部人士透露,市内发生了一起不成功的火箭弹袭击,以及一场可能是针对阿富汗军队办公室的手榴弹攻击。
- A military crackdown has been underway in the Dera Bugti region of the province since a December 14th rocket attack on a para-military base as President Musharraf was visiting a nearby town. 自从去年12月14号穆沙拉夫总统在附近城镇访问时发生对一座准军事营地的火箭攻击后,政府在该省德拉布提地区展开了军事打击。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- Embassy and the Iraqi government, has been a target for insurgent and militia rocket attacks for years. 随着战争的拖延,这种攻击的强度和精度都在提高。
- Russia also called on Hamas to halt the rocket attacks, and urged Israel to halt its military operation in Gaza. 俄罗斯也要求哈马斯停止火箭弹袭击,并敦促以色列停止在加沙地带的军事行动。