- A Study of Switch Type Hydro-electric Servo System of Jib Luffing Mechanism in Rock Drill Robot 凿岩机器人钻臂变幅机构开关式电液伺服系统的研究
- Study on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Rock Drill Robot Joint Hydraulic Drive System 凿岩机器人液压系统自抗扰控制研究
- rock drill robot 凿岩机器人
- With its panoramic camera and microscope, its rock drill, spectrographs and magnetic dust collector, the robot will search for clues about the watery past of that desert world. 利用全景相机、显微镜、钻岩机、光谱摄影机及磁力集尘器,巡?者号将寻找这个荒芜世界过去是否有水存在的线索。
- Features: rock drilling for opencast mining and quarrying field. 适用于露天矿、采石场开采,用于高低风压潜孔钻机。
- The rock drill is indispensable for digging coal mines. 凿岩机是煤炭采掘不可缺少的工具。
- LHS Rock Tools CO.,LTD-Rock tools,Rock drills,Rock drilling ... 辽宁葫芦岛莲花山凿岩钎具有限公司(LHS)生产优批发、莲花山凿岩.
- Mini rock drill has been produced based on patented technology for rock drill warm extrusion. 采用钎头壳体温挤压精密成形专利技术生产了小型凿岩钎头。
- Products:Air compressor, Genset, Concrete Mixer, Concrete Mixing Plant, Rock Drill For Mining. 产品:空压机,发电机,混凝土搅拌机,搅拌站,搅拌车和钻具
- Fax:0769-22687018 Products:Air compressor, Genset, Concrete Mixer, Concrete Mixing Plant, Rock Drill For Mining. 产品:空压机,发电机,混凝土搅拌机,搅拌站,搅拌车和钻具
- We quickly dragged out sandals and entered the water and only think Liangyi attacks, the fish in the river were hurried panic of the rock drilling. 我们连忙拖掉凉鞋,步入水中,只觉得凉意袭人,溪中的小鱼也被惊的慌忙钻进了石头下面。
- Ideal for vertical installations on earth augers or rock drills. 理想的垂直装配,质量更高。
- microprocessor controlled drill robot 微机控制钻孔机扑
- Because their cross sections are almost equilateral hexagons,the equilateral hexagons rock drill steels are regarded as my research objects. 钎杆用中空钢,简称“钎钢”,截面以正六角形和圆形为主,因此本文以正六角形钎杆用中空钢为研究对象。
- Guangdong HeShan Forder rock drill tools factory is a famous privately operated enterprise specialized in research and manufacturing rock drilling equipments and pneumatic tools. 广东鹤山福特尔钎具厂是中国专门从事凿岩工具研究与制造的企业。
- The rock drilling rate, service life and tungsten carbide toothavailability of the series of bits are obviously better than those of chip and button type bits. 该系列钎具凿岩速度、寿命和硬质合金片齿有效利用率均显著优于片状和球齿钎具。
- Methods for Carriage Positioning of Rock- drilling Robot 隧道凿岩机器人的车体定位方法
- Tianshui, Shenyang, Nanjing, Atlas and other gas-ho, the wind motive rock drill, drill hole submersible vehicles, such as mining, municipal machinery and equipment. 天水、沈阳、南京、阿特拉斯等各种气镐、风动机凿岩机、潜孔钻车等矿山、市政机械设备。
- Discrete Task Planning of Drilling Robot with Two Booms 双臂凿岩机器人离散任务规划
- Clogged or cave-in of the hole, can lead to a stuck drill. It is best therefore, to cleans the hole regular intervals, by carrying out air-blowing with the rock drill. 因为堵块和空穴都可能导致卡钻,因此应定期采用冲击器强吹,定期清洗孔底。