- rock salt natural gas storage 盐穴储气库
- Salt rock has very low penetrability and good creep behavior, and can ensure the leak tightness of the natural gas storage. 由于盐岩具有良好的密封性、低渗透性和损伤自愈合性,使得深部地下盐矿成为世界各国地下储存的一种主要介质。
- Jiangsu has coal, petroleum, and natural gas deposits, but its most significant mineral products are non-metal minerals such as halite (rock salt), sulfur, phosphorus, and marble. 江苏省矿产资源丰富,其中最主要的是非金属矿产,包括岩盐(岩石盐)、硫、磷和大理石等。
- YuLin is an unusual area rich in mineral resources such as coal, oil, natural gas and rock salt in the world, and it is preponderant in resources to develop energy and chemical industries. 榆林是世界罕见的矿产资源富集区,煤炭、石油、天然气、岩(湖)盐等大型矿藏富集一地,具有发展能源化工产业的独特资源优势。
- natural gas storage caverns in salt formation 盐穴天然气地下储气库
- The adiabatic throttle of retaken natural gas (RNG) is key technology of the underground gas storage (UGS) operation. 天然气绝热节流是地下储气库回采的关键技术,可以利用节流冷效应实现回采天然气的脱水、脱油。
- How to use NGH technology in natural gas storage and transport is becoming its focus. 而将天然气水合物(gh)术应用到天然气非管道储运技术中来,也正在成为其中的焦点之一。
- Underground natural gas storage, one kind of measures to improve malconformation of gas consumption, has most importance on gas exploitation and usage. 天然气地下储气库作为调节天然气消费不均衡性的最有效途径之一,在天然气的开发和利用过程中有着举足轻重的作用。
- Study on Oil and Gas Storage and Nuclear Waste Disposal in Rock Salt Deposits 盐岩矿床内油气储备和核废料处置
- In the construction of aquifer underground gas storage, natural gas is substituted by inert gas as cushion gas in order to save the cost. 在含水层型地下储气库的建设中,为节省投资可以用惰性气体替换天然气作为垫层气。
- Liquified natural gas is favorable for transportation and recovery of the natural gas in remote area,as well as for reducing gas storage cost. 将天然气液化有利于天然气的运输、有利于边远天然气的回收并能降低天然气的储存成本。
- Study on the constructions of Oil and Gas Storage in Rock Salt Cavern 盐岩溶腔油气储库建造研究
- NGH storage technology is a new\|style natural gas storage technology.NGH has the property of high energy density and it storage is convenient and secure. 天然气水合物储气技术是一种新型的天然气储气技术,具有能量密度高、安全可靠、费用低等优点。
- The study of high density micropore carbon - based adsobents for natural gas storage was reviewed from its production technology, process condition and products' properties. 综述了贮存天然气用高密度微孔炭质吸附剂的研制方法、工艺条件及产品性能。
- Coupling Mathematical Model of Solid and Gas for Fractured Rock and Its Application in Rock Salt Cavern Gas Storage 裂隙岩体的固气耦合模型及其在岩盐储气库中的应用
- Investigation on optimized gas recovery velocity of natural gas storage in salt rock layer by numerical simulation 盐岩储气库最佳采气速率数值模拟研究
- So experiments are still indispensable.An overview of classical and new methods to measure multicomponent gas adsorption equilibria tightly related to the vehicular natural gas storage is given. 综述了以车用存储为目的的天然气多组分气相吸附平衡的传统与最新的实验方法。
- Storage methods for nature gas include gaseous storage, liquid gas sto rage and solid gas storage, and there are corresponding characteristic for every storage techniques. 天然气可以气态、液态和固态三种方式储存,每种储存方式都有其相应特点。
- Quartztes and rock salt have the highest conductivities. 石英岩和岩盐的热导率最高。