- According to topographical features, the valley shape, Quaternary overburden thickness, and fault rock crusher factors we can identify the downstream dam site for the proposed dam site. 根据地形地貌、河谷形态、第四系覆盖层厚度、断层因素和岩体破碎程度等综合确定宜选择下坝线为拟建坝址。
- Application of wheel type soft rock crusher 轮式软岩破碎机的应用
- A Study on Rock Crush Mechanism by Explosive Stress Wave 爆炸冲击波作用下岩体破碎机理的研究
- In mining project,rock crushing has great effect on economics and productive efficacy.In order to improve blasting efficacy,it is necessary to classify the rock in terms of its blastability. 岩石破碎的好坏对矿山工程在经济上和生产效率上有极为重要的影响,为提高爆破效率,需对岩石的可爆性进行分类。
- Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱。
- Ben has a crush on his music teacher. 宾迷恋他的音乐教师。
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- Many young rock hounds grow up to be geologists. 许许多多爱好收集岩石的少年,长大后成了地质学家。
- Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside. 别压坏这个盒子;里面有花。
- The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face. 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。
- There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe. 火车上挤得我都喘不过气来。
- The water had worn a channel in the rock. 水把岩石冲出了一条沟。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- He chiseled that rock into the figure of a woman. 他把那块石头凿成一个女人像。
- A windmill is used to crush grain into flour. 风车被用来把谷粒轧成面粉。
- The boat was sundered by the rock. 船被岩石撞碎了。
- Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽。