- rock breaking underwater 水下破岩
- A mass of snow and rock break away and fall on the climber. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
- There is a huge rock breaking through the snows. 一块巨大的岩石凸出在雪地上。
- A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
- A piece of rock broke off and fell into the sea . 一块岩石断开,掉进了海里。
- After many years, rocks break down /into/ dirt. 许多年以后岩石分解成为泥土。
- A piece of rock broke off and fell into the sea. 一块岩石断开,掉进了海里。
- The rock breaking can be changed from plastic broking in normal drilling to brittle explosion in gas drilling. 因此,使岩石破碎由常规钻井的塑性破碎转变为脆性炸裂。
- The sounds of rocks breaking in the desert have been compared to gunfire. 在沙漠地区岩石破裂的声音常被误会为枪声。
- A piece of rock broke off and fell into the pool at the foot of the cliff. 一块岩石断裂开,掉到悬崖脚下的池塘里。
- Just then part of a large rock broke off.Green jade shone in the sun! 就在那时;一个很大的岩石分裂了.;绿色的翡翠在太阳下发光
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- The rock breaking without smoke,dust,slungshot,noise and any internal injury can reduce environmental pollution and energy consumption,which has great economic value and social sense. 在岩石破裂的过程中,无烟、无尘、无飞石,无噪声及无任何岩石内伤,可以减少环境污染,降低能耗。
- With the rock breaking test,the pick shape inserted tooth rolling cuter has obtained a rock breaking result and is suitable to be applied to the drilling in the hard rock and medium hard rock. 通过破岩试验,镐形镶齿滚刀有较好的破岩效果,适合于在硬岩及中硬岩层中推广应用。
- The surface of the rock expands very slightly,but the inside of the rock,which is not heated,does not expand. This causes a little crack,and gradually little pieces of the rock break away. 岩石的表面膨胀很小,但是没有被加热的岩石的内部却不膨胀,这使得岩石产生细小裂缝,一片片小石头片将渐渐地剥蚀下来。
- The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. 地震的强度依岩石破裂的多少以及其滑移的距离而定。
- An underwater ridge or rock shelf. 暗礁水下隆起物或岩石架状物
- The surface of the rock expands very slightly, but the inside of the rock, which is not heated, does not expand. This causes a little crack, and gradually little pieces of the rock break away. 岩石的表面膨胀很小,但是没有被加热的岩石的内部却不膨胀,这使得岩石产生细小裂缝,一片片小石头片将渐渐地剥蚀下来。
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样子要过去了。