- At last,the expert system for the rock bolting support design and type selection is introduced briefly as an example of artificial computer program. 最后,作为一个智能计算机程序应用例子,简要介绍了矿山锚杆支护设计与选型专家系统。
- Under the explosive load,shotcrete and rock bolt support and integral lining structures are usually used for chambers in rock mass. 在爆炸荷载作用下,岩体洞室通常采用喷锚支护结构和整体被复结构。
- Based on the theory of rock mechanics that applied in country rock kerf, and using bolt support can remove the heave of bottom, which gets good effect in practice. 施工中应用巷道围岩切缝法的岩石力学理论分析,采用锚杆支护法解决底板臌起现象,收到良好效果。
- Anchor drilling machine also effects rapidity of anchor bolt support. 锚杆钻机又直接影响到锚杆支护的速度。
- By appling surround rock strength theory,stiffener theory,and observating weighe of 2 # seam bolt support in Ximing Coal mine,determines the rational position of roadway and bolt paramters. 通过运用围岩强度强化理论和“刚性梁”理论,对2%23煤层的锚杆支护进行矿压观测,合理确定出巷道位置和锚杆参数
- The roof abscission layer is the biggest security hidden danger in bolting support tunnel. 顶板离层是锚杆支护巷道最大的安全隐患之一。
- Application of Bolting Supports in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 煤巷锚杆支护在大同煤矿集团公司的应用。
- Roof falling of rock bolting supported tunnel is usually paroxysmal in a big area, so safety monitoring is of great importance. 锚杆支护巷道顶板冒落具有突发性和冒落面积大的特点,安全监测非常必要。
- This article introduces mechanism of bolting support in Datong coalmines Group Co.. and puts forward application methods. 介绍了锚杆支护应用的机理,分析了影响锚杆支护的因素,并提出了解决办法。
- Rock Bolting Support Technology for Loose Coal Seam 松散煤层锚杆支护技术
- The paper carefully analyzes bolt supporting system, and measures the parameters of coal wall rock in Fuxin diggings. 本文对锚杆支护理论进行了系统分析,并对阜新矿区煤巷围岩的参数进行了实验测定。
- That the mine steel and shed support is used instead of the bolting support with metal net and rope at combined mechanization mining face are introduced. 叙述了新集一矿采用锚网+锚索支护代替矿工钢和木棚支护在综采工作面的安装和撤除工程中的应用。
- Based on the multiple problems existing in design of bolting support in Datun Mining Area nowadays, the parameters of bolting (cabling) with wire mesh in actual mining ... 在综合讨论大屯矿区现用锚网支护设计方法尚存问题的基础上,对厚煤层放顶煤沿底回采巷道的锚网(索)支护参数设计方法进行了全面分析。
- On the basis of special seam roof core in Jiulong mine ventilated gateway of No.15207 working face, the parameters of bolting support were determined with testing. 针对九龙矿152下07工作面回风巷顶板岩芯结构特殊性,确定了锚杆支护参数并进行试验研究。
- The test of bolt and soft bolt support has achieved success,to extend and application widely in Malan 2 # coal,the effect is better. 马兰矿2%23煤全锚支护试验取得成功,并大面积推广应用,取得较好的经济效益。
- Then this method is used in the calculation of bolt support on coal goaf, and deformation of goaf is compared before and after bolt support. 并将这种方法应用于巷道锚杆支护的计算中,对锚杆支护前后围岩的变形进行了对比。
- Practice of bolt support in deep soft rock roadway 深部软岩巷道锚杆支护实践
- A numerical model for the dynamical analyzes of the pre-stressed bolt support system was founded based on the structure of rockbolt and its mechanical characteristics. 摘要根据煤矿预应力锚杆支护系统的结构和受力特点建立了预应力锚杆支护系统的动力分析模型;
- sboterete and rock bolt support in the slope 边坡喷锚支护
- Under the special geological conditions such as fractured coal-rock body and drenching water,the demand to bolting support is more strict.Various situations of bolting support are discussed. 在破碎煤岩体内和有淋头水段等特殊地质条件下掘进巷道时,对锚杆支护技术有了更加严格的要求。针对不同情况,对锚杆支护技术进行了进一步的探讨。