- The king and queen were robed in red. 国王和王后身穿着红色的长袍。
- Do not write your exercise in red ink. 不要用红墨水写你的练习。
- Don't write your exercise in red ink. 不要用红墨水写练习。
- He outlined the triangle in red. 他用红笔画出三角形。
- The pine tress were robed in snow. 松树披上了银装。
- Her hands came out in red spots. 她手上起了红斑点。
- The professors were robed in gowns. 教授们穿着长袍。
- The girl in red is his little sister. 穿红衣的姑娘是他的妹妹。
- The girl in red is his younger sister. 那个穿红衣服的女孩是他妹妹。
- The priests were robed in black. 各司祭都穿上了黑袍。
- The brick houses are roofed in red tiles. 这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。
- Additional material is overprinted in red. 附加材料是用红色加印上的。
- The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map. 在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。
- Teachers usually make corrections in red ink. 教师通常用红墨水批改。
- Please wrap the box in red paper. 请用红纸将盒子包起来。
- The girl who is dressed in red is my girlfriend. 穿红衣服的女孩是我的女朋友。
- The book was bound in red leather. 书被以红皮面装帧。
- The boxer in red T-shirt whipped the opponent. 穿红色T恤衫的拳击手打败了对手。
- robed in red 穿红色长袍
- The bride was dressed in red from top to toe. 新娘从上至下都是穿的红色。