- Rob Peter to pay Paul rob Peter to pay Paul. 拆东墙,补西墙。直译是抢彼得的钱去还保罗,即牺牲一方利益而有利于另一方。
- The only way I can settle the gas bill is to rob Peter to pay Paul and use the money I've put by for the electricity. 我能用来对付煤气费帐单的唯一办法是先拿出准备付电缆的钱来垫一下。
- I don't approve your way that you rob Peter to pay Paul. 我不赞成你拆东墙补西墙的作法。
- Short of money recently, he could only rob Peter to pay Paul. 他最近手头拮据,只能拆东墙补西墙。
- Do not rob Peter to pay Paul. [谚]不要挖肉补疮。
- Bill owed Sam a dollar, so he borrowed another from Joe to pay Sam back, he robbed Peter to pay Paul. 比尔欠萨姆一美元,因此他从乔那里借了一美元还给了萨姆,借东补西。
- Bill owed Sam a dollar,so he borrowed another from Joe to pay Sam back,he robbed Peter to pay Paul. 比尔欠萨姆一美元,因此他从乔那里借了一美元还给了萨姆,借东补西。
- Jack owed David a dollar,so he borrowed another from Joe to pay David back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. 杰克欠戴维一块钱,他于是向乔借了一块钱去还戴维。他这是借东家还西家。
- Jack owed David a dollar, so he borrowed another from Joe to pay David back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. 杰克欠戴维一块钱,他于是向乔借了一块钱去还戴维。他这是借东家还西家。
- What's the sense in borrowing from Zhang just to pay Li? That's meant to rob Peter to pay Paul. 你从张家借钱还李家有什么意义?
- Rob Peter to pay Paul. 借东还西。
- To rob Peter to pay Paul. 拆了东墙补西墙。
- Do not rob Peter to pay Paul . 不要挖肉补疮。
- Using next month's pocket money in advance is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 提前使用下个月的零用钱是无济于事的。
- Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class it like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 要在这节课里学习那节课的内容是挖东墙补西墙。
- Borrowing money from a friend to pay another friend back is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 借一个人的钱还另一个人的钱相当于拆东墙补西墙。
- You borrow money from me to pay the bank loan. It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 你跟我借钱去还银行的贷款,这无异于拆东墙补西墙。
- Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 在一节课中读另一节课的功课等于是拆东墙补西墙。
- When this understaffed department moves one worker from one activity to another , it is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 当人员不足的部门,把一位员工,从一个小组,换到另一个小组,是挖东墙补西墙一样的作法。
- A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. 抢劫一个人去供养另一个人的政府可以永远依赖另一个人的支持。