- It is a meter to continuously inspect and control the degree of compaction of a highway roadbed and pavement foundation. 这是一种移动式的对公路路基与路面结构层进行连续的压实度的检测与控制仪器。
- the whole design of roadbed and pavement 路基路面整体设计
- teaching of roadbed and pavement engineering 路基路面工程教学
- roadbed and pavement engineering 路基路面工程
- Application of DCG Chemical Injection to Roadbed and Pavement Disease Treatment DCG化学灌浆在路基、路面病害处治中的应用
- Talking about the Cultivation of College Students'Literature-tracking Ability in the Teaching of the Roadbed and Pavement Engineering 路基路面工程教学中学生文献追踪能力的培养
- Road Materials and Pavement Design. 道路材料与铺筑道路设计。
- Field Test Methods of Subgrade and Pavement for Hi. 公路路基路面现场测试规程。
- They overflowed onto the steps and pavement. 他们被挤到台阶和人行道上。
- He flopped to the sandy roadbed and twisted like an injured snake. 他扑倒在沙土路上像一条受了伤的蛇一般蜷缩成一团。
- roadbed and pavement 路基路面
- It briefly introduces roadbed and road pavement stricture, bridge engineering and municipal-service tunnel. 至于路基路面结构、城市桥梁、隧道规划只作简单介绍。
- The magma compaction technique taken on empty board in disposal of cement concrete pavement,can improve the strength of roadbed and reduce the possibility of dislocation of forms and spurt sluury. 对水泥砼路面脱空板进行压浆技术处理,是增强路基强度,减小水泥砼路面发生错台、唧泥可能性的有效方法,通过在旧水泥砼路面改建工程中的应用取得了较好的效果,为以后此类施工积累了经验。
- The steamroller levelled off the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured. 蒸汽压路机压平碎石路基,然后浇注混凝土。
- There was dirty brown slush all over the roads and pavements. 马路和人行道上到处都是肮脏的褐色雪泥。
- The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and than the concrete was poured. 蒸汽辗压机先把路基的沙砾辗平,然后才倒下水泥。
- The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured. 蒸汽压路机把石子路床压平;然后注上水泥。
- The reason is mainly in two sides:the roadbed and the foundation subsidence behind the abutment. 分析了温州地区桥头跳车的主要原因:桥台后路基沉降及桥台后地基沉降。
- Based on the test result on treating soft roadbed in Handan, the paper studies the engineering character of this soft roadbed and discusses its treatment methods. 通过对邯郸市某段软土路基处理的试验成果分析,研究了邯郸市软土路基的工程性能,并对其处理方法进行了探讨。
- Engineering practice shows that the grunting reinforcement technique is an effective method for protecting railway roadbed and ensuring safe running of railway. 工程实践表明,注浆加固技术是对保护铁路路基、保证铁路行车安全的一种有效方法。