- All the residents have been inconvenienced by the road works. 居民们都因筑路工程而感到不便。
- The delay is partly explicable by the road works. 延误的部份原因是道路施工。
- Road works on the motorway are holding up traffic. 高速公路上的道路施工影响了交通.
- We have to make a detour for the road works ahead. 前方道路正在维修中,过不去。所以我们只好绕道而行。
- They're doing road work up ahead. 前方道路正在施工。
- And Kwun Tong Road will be temporarily closed for road works. 开源道的西面路旁行车线将会临时封闭,以便进行道路工程。
- The Road works sign with an End plate marks the end of the road work area. 道路工程标志连同终止标志,表示道路工程范围在此终止。
- Of course. But they're doing road work up ahead. We have to change the way. 当然,但是前方道路正在施工。我们不得不改一条路来走。
- On dual carriageway, when the road works are extensive, some traffic lanes may be switched to the other carriageway. 如果分隔车路的道路工程规模大,车辆或须从一些行车转入另一条行车道。
- In many cases normal speeds are impossible past road works, so you should slow down at the first indication of road works. 很多时,驾驶人不能以正常车速驶经工地,因此,一看到道路工程的警告指示时,就应减速。
- Most road works involve the temporary narrowing of the roadway and possibily lane closures or closure of the road itself. 因道路工程影响,行车道大多数都会暂时收窄,某一条行车或整条道路甚至可能封闭。
- Warning signs and informatory signs will help to guide you through the road works area or divert you around the obstruction. 路上会设有警告标志和提示性标志,指引驾驶人驶出道路工程范围,或绕过障碍物。
- It comprises surplus materials from site clearance, excavation, construction, refurbishment, renovation, demolition and road works. 这包括由工地平整、掘土、楼宇建筑、装修、翻新、拆卸及道路等工程所产生的剩馀物料。
- The club claimed that the road work was damaging the Merced River that runs through the park. 俱乐部声称道路工程正在破坏流经公园的麦西德河。
- A common use of temporary sign is for the signing of road works where construction or maintenance works obstruct the roadway or may be a hazard to traffic. 临时标志通常设在正进行道路工程阻碍或交通危险的地方。
- Temporary signs are also used for temporary traffic arrangements for major events or if a section of road is closed because of an emergency or for road works. 临时标志也用以指示因重要事件而实施的临时交通措施,或用于因紧急事故或道路工程而须予封闭的一段道路。
- All road works and works adjacent to the road create inconvenience and are a potential hazard to the safety of all road users and those carrying out the work. 所有道路工程和接近道路的工程,都会造成不便,甚至危及道路使用者及施工人员的安全。
- Yesterday, in Haidian traffic detachment devoted to the 2001 road works the press briefing, a reporter saw a Haidian district maps, the road was painted in a red background. 昨天,在海淀交通支队专门召开的2001年道路工程吹风会上,记者见到了一幅海淀区的地图,上面有近一半的道路被涂成了红色。
- Landslide hazard mitigation works including earthworks, installation of soil nail, concrete check dam and flexible boulder fence, drainage works and maintenance access road works. 山坡灾害防护工程,包括土木工事、装设泥钉、挡土堤和柔性防石栏、排水工程和维修通道工程。
- The main attractions are:wu lao feng , Fortunearia Walled, "Road Works" ancient path along the cliff, Great Falls, the old Lake trenches, such as smallzhai gou . 主要景点有:五老峰、牛鼻寨、“路工”古栈道、大瀑布、老潭沟、小寨沟等。